Dietary guidance system Dietary choices Lifestyle Mental state Health Dietary guidance system
→NATIONAL dietary guidance system Taking AMERICAN as an example
Sexuality/Age/Occupation… National→Personal? Fundamental/Frame
Proportion of fruits, vegetables ,grains and protein 胡若瑜
the Food Pyramid Indispensable elements of a healthy diet required in the Food Pyramid: 1.Fat beneficial to man’s health(e.g.: soya-bean oil and other liquid vegetal oil) 2.Carbohydrate 3.Vegetables and fruits 4.Protein(including nuts, beans, eggs, fish and so on)
Optimal calories taken in every day 李婉菱
The energy required for a person per day BMR Activity Food
basal metabolic rate (BMR) BMR(man)= (13.7×weight(kg))+(5.0×height(cm))-(6.8×age)+66 BMR(female)= (9.6×weight(kg))+(1.8×height(cm))-(4.7×age)+65
Activity very light Light Moderate heavy
Optimal calories taken in every day Man : 1980-2340 calories Female : 1800-1900 calories
Dietary Supplements Q&A on dietary supplements. 刘畅 Q&A on dietary supplements. Using dietary supplements. Report an adverse event.
What is dietary supplements? A dietary supplement is a product taken by mouth that contains a "dietary ingredient" intended to supplement the diet. What is dietary supplements?
dietary ingredient a vitamin, a mineral, an herb or other botanical, an amino acid, a dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake (e.g., enzymes or tissues from organs or glands), or a concentrate, metabolite, constituent or extract.
Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know The benefits The risks Some supplements may help to assure that you get an adequate dietary intake of essential nutrients. However, supplements should not replace the variety of foods that are important to a healthful diet — so, be sure you eat a variety of foods as well. Many supplements contain active ingredients that have strong biological effects in the body. This could make them unsafe in some situations and hurt or complicate your health. For example, the following actions could lead to harmful — even life-threatening — consequences.
Tips for Dietary Supplement Users Think about the total diet. Check with the doctor or the healthprovider before using the dietary supplement. Some supplements may interact with prescription and over-the-counter medicines. Some supplements can have unwanted effects during surgery.
Dietary Supplements - Adverse Event Reporting FDA can be contacted to report general complaints or concerns about food products, including dietary supplements. If you think you have suffered a serious harmful effect or illness from a dietary supplement, your health care provider can report this by calling FDA‘s MedWatch hotline. Consumers may also report an adverse event or illness they believe to be related to the use of a dietary supplement by calling FDA. Consumers & Health Care Providers To report an illness or injury associated with a Dietary Supplement