Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Open House Welcome, Erin Ridge & Erin Ridge North Residents! June 22, 2016 City of St. Albert, Transportation Stantec Consulting Ltd.
St. Albert Traffic Calming Welcome! St. Albert Traffic Calming A new Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Policy aligned with Process and Guidelines was approved by St. Albert City Council on April 4, 2016 to provide residents with a consistent approach on how neighbourhood requests for traffic calming are answered, reviewed, evaluated, and implemented by the City. They incorporate full resident engagement and opportunity for input into identifying traffic issues and solutions. Stantec Consulting has been selected by the City to undertake this project.
Erin Ridge & Erin Ridge North Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Erin Ridge and Erin Ridge North are the first neighbourhoods to be reviewed. The City is working with the Erin Ridge Traffic Consultation Committee, and are encouraging residents to get involved!
Today’s Open House Review Traffic Calming Information Review Neighbourhood Traffic Information Talk to representatives and neighbours Share your experiences, ideas and opinion Fill out the Community Support Survey
Traffic Calming Process
The Policy, Process & Guidelines Traffic Calming Policy and related Process and Guidelines are in recognition of: The City's goal of "Vision 0", where no severe motor vehicle incidents occur on our roads, An increase in concerns from residents re: neighbourhood traffic safety, The impact of continual growth and resulting traffic demands, and The focus to develop roadways for all users including active and alternative modes of transportation.
Traffic calming can enhance safety through: Reduced vehicle speeds Discourage short-cutting traffic Minimize conflict points and improve visibility Minimize the dominance of vehicles and promote an active and attractive community
What is Traffic Calming? Traffic calming is the installation of designed roadway measures to reduce traffic speeds and / or cut-through vehicle volumes, in the interest of road safety, community livability and returning a neighbourhood roadway to its intended function of servicing the community.
Traffic Calming Measures Traffic calming measures generally fall within five broad categories: Vertical Deflections Horizontal Deflections Passive Measures Technological Applications Roadway Obstructions Title (Arial Bold, 36pt, Title Case): add the name of this page, which should identify the content to follow Main point (Arial, 32pt): enter a description of your key idea for the page Sub-bullet (Arial, 26pt): enter supporting points for your key idea (delete if not needed) Bullet types should not be changed. The City logo should always be visible; do not extend content below green line. Copy and paste this page to add additional text pages to the presentation
Vertical Deflections Such as speed tables or raised pedestrian crossings that create a “bump” in the roadway to encourage reduced speeds.
Horizontal Deflections Such as roundabouts or chicanes that create a curvature in the roadway to encourage reduced speeds.
Passive Measures Such as signs and road markings, which can be used to regulate traffic movements in lieu of physical design changes to the roadway
Technological & Signage Applications Such as driver feedback signs, school zone warning flashers to communicate messages or operational information to drivers
Roadway Obstructions Such as diagonal diverters, half closures or full closures that limit driver access to road segments and mitigate short-cutting traffic volumes.
Upcoming Schedule Phase 1: May – July 2016 Phase 2: June – November 2016 (break in July / August) Phase 3 & 4: Spring 2017
What’s Next? Respond with your Feedback to the Community Support Survey by July 15, 2016. Note – 55% Community Support is required
Thank You! Thank you for taking the time to attend. For further information please visit and search Neighbourhood Traffic Calming to learn more about the Program and keep updated with Erin Ridge & Erin Ridge North information.