South Africa By David Cooper GIblin
Overview of South Africa Economic Overview - GDP Purchasing within the country: $595.7 billion (26 in the world) - Exchange rate with other countries: $353.9 billion (Amount of Trade) - GDP percent growth: 2% growth (143 in the country) - GDP per capita $11,500 (108) - System of government: Republic since 1991 (first free vote to all citizens) GDP origins - Agriculture = 2.6% - Industries = 29% - Services = 68.4% (Worlds largest producer of Gold, Platinum and Chromium) - Unemployment = 24.5% (173 in the World) Summary - South Africa is a prosperous country that has most of it money generated through the trade of minerals and resources. Furthermore, South Africa is a country still recovering from its segregated past.
South Africa Overview Continued Historical Overview - Name: Republic of South Africa - Former name (Apartheid Era): Union of South Africa - Type of government: Republic - Discovered by Portuguese (1488) - Colonized by Dutch (1652) Colonized by Great Britain (1881) - Apartheid definition: a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race (1948-1941) - Independence: May 10, 1910 ( Independence from Great Britain) - 18 years of age (age at which you can vote) Summary - South Africa is a Republic that recently gained its independence and is still working out some kinks in its government.
How South Africa has been affected by Globalization Colonization with the British - Separated different ethnicities GRAPH - Apartheid greatly reduced African American and other races freedom - African Americans and other races were forced into poor working conditions - Segregated races were not allowed the same education as the white minority - Jobs were not available to the segregated races Summary -The English Colonization, a product of Globalization) caused many hardships for the native people and other races especially during apartheid.
How Globalization has affected South Africa Economically - Agriculture = 2.6% - Industries = 29% - Services = 68.4% Since South Africa has a large abundance of Minerals and other resources most of its labor is in those fields. This causes the industrial side of the economy to have more laborers, which in return causes more people to have to work in mines or places that are not a sustainable working places. Summary - Because of the majority of the economy being Industrial causes the increase in both carbon and other pollutants in South Africa. This graph above shows the huge difference that other African Countries have compared to South Africa
How Globalization Has Affected South Africa Poverty - The distribution of wealth in South Africa is very poor. Most of the wealth generated is by either the government officials or the Large Business owners. This creates a social divide and causes the 30.2% poverty rate and most of the wealth to subside with the white citizens. Summary - South Africa’s poor wealth distribution has contributed directly to its large poverty rate. Furthermore, this is an effect of Globalization because the spread of money was not fair to the often suppressed native people.
How Globalization has affected South Africa The leaving of skilled workers - The entire region of Africa has been affected by this - Skilled people in certain careers do not want to work in these countries because they are unstable and cannot provide as much money as a “powerhouse” such as the U.S. - This is because the skilled worker wants to go to the country or region where he can make the most amount of money.
How Globalization has Affected South Africa National Revenue of South Africa is lower than the Spending costs. - $88.53 billion Revenue - $105.5 billion Expenses - This shows that the South African government is bringing in more money that it is spending. - This creates a national debt which discourage stockholders from investing in the country.
How Globalization has affected South Africa Population Growth - The increase in population has made South Africa strained on its resources and government aid. Since South Africa is a more prominent African country the less developed countries surrounding it often has many people migrate to South Africa in order to try to find a better life. Costs of high Immigration - More immigrants in the job field - Makes the citizens have to fight harder for their positions - Increases poverty rate if citizens cannot keep their jobs - Increases population which puts strain on resources
How Globalization has affected South Africa Manipulation of the Government by outside Countries. - Because of the highly valued resources that subside in South Africa often times outside countries try to manipulate the market so they can make the most amount of money possible. - This can cause the bribery of Government Officials and the increase in unfair working conditions
On the whole Globalization has negatively affected South Africa On the whole Globalization has negatively affected South Africa. This is because Other countries that want to take advantage of South Africa have tried to manipulate South Africa’s market. This has ultimately made South Africa the product of mistreatment mostly through the process of colonization by the British and Dutch.
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