Carl Jung: Basics Close friend and protégé of Freud’s 1907-1912. Freud viewed him as an “heir apparent.” Freud (51) and Jung (30) had a father-son relationship. THIS IS IMPORTANT… WHY? Freud thought he perceived parricidal feelings. Often had affairs with his patients; was interested in occult symbols and mystical religious beliefs.
Jung knew about freud’s affair with Minna Bernays (his SIL) Important events: Jung knew about freud’s affair with Minna Bernays (his SIL) “Skull” dream of 1909 Freud Jung Clark University, 1909
“Skull Dream” 1909 (Jung) Jung walks through a castle Room is furnished a la 1700 (rococo, baroque).
“Skull Dream” 1909 (Jung) Jung walks through a castle Room is furnished a la 1700 (rococo, baroque). Sense of familiarity Goes down some stairs. Downstairs room a la Viking: shields, rugs, fire, barbaric stuff, mead hall, etc.
Down more stairs… Next room: ancient Rome.
Down more stairs… Next room: ancient Rome. Down more stairs Last room: a cave with bones on the floor, half-eaten animal carcasses, cast-off animal skins… Jung sees two skulls in the middle of the floor!
Interpretation 1: Jung secretly wants Freud and himself dead. Interpretation 2: Jung wants one of his patients dead… Minna! OMG! Jung knows about my affair!!!! Interpretation 3: Skulls represent Minna and her sister, Freud’s wife. Jung’s interpretation: Jung, in his dream, was descending into humanity’s distant past, a past we all shared and which we’ve all inherited. He called this past the collective unconscious.
Carl Jung: Theories Collective Unconscious Archetype Theory of Personality Humanity has a total collection of racial thoughts, desires, and experiences ingrained in its genes, and which all of us obey. The analogy is that, if all of us are icebergs, then the collective unconscious is what would happen if all the icebergs melted together from prehistory until the present day, making one vast iceberg. Our personalities fit into one of many different types, each based on the collective unconscious. These types are either male (animus), female (anima), or neuter (shadow). Jung believed you could change archetypes in response to major events.