25.1 The Call to Arms Main Idea The secession of the Southern states quickly led to armed conflict between the North and the South. Why It Matters Now The nation’s identity was in part forged by the Civil War.
CA. Standards 8.10.2 Trace the boundaries constituting the North and the South, the geographical differences between the two regions, and the differences between agrarians and industrialists.
8.10.6 Describe critical developments and events in the war, including the major battles, geographical advantages and obstacles, tech. advances, and General Lee’s surrender at Appomattox.
8.10.7 Explain how the war affected soldiers, civilians, the physical environment, and future warfare.
Daily Guided Questions Why did each side in the Civil War think the war would be won easily? Why were the Border States important to both sides of the Civil War? How did the military strategies between both forces differ?
Tale of the Tape Population -70% of the country’s population lived in the North (20 million). -30% (10 million) lived in the South, 3.5 million were slaves.
Railroad mileage -North had twice as many as the South, about 2/3. Factory Production -Out of the 130,000 factories, 110,000 were in the North. About 85%.
Taking Sides in the War After Lincoln’s election to the Presidency, Southern states secede. Ft. Sumter, first battle of the Civil War. -Lincoln recognizes rebellion. -asks for 75,000 troops.
More States Secede Four more states secede. - “Won’t send troops to fight our southern brothers.” -Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia. Northern counties of Virginia didn’t want to secede, split. -West Virginia created.
The Border States Slave states that did not want to secede. -Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia. -Wanted to stay neutral (not picking sides). -Vital transportation lines and resources in those states. -Washington D.C. -Under martial law.
Southern Advantages Fighting on their home turf. Strong military leaders.
Northern Advantages Industry Railroad Farmland -Not just cotton Population -2/3 of pop. -1/3 of South’s pop. were slaves.
North’s Anaconda Plan Naval Blockade -block important seaports. Gain control of Mississippi River -cut the south in half Invade Confederate capital of Richmond, VA.
South’s Plan Wait it out. Sought European aid. -Supplied cotton for their mills.
First Battle of Bull Run/Manassas To take Richmond, VA. (Confederate capital). -July 21, 1861, Union troops clashed with Confederate troops 25 miles from D.C. -Union were winning, but the South begun a rallying cry, “Look there’s Jackson, standing like a stonewall.” -Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. -North panics and loses. -Proves that war will be long.
Civil War Map and Study Guide pg. 173 Use the map on pg. 387 and A-2 to complete your Civil War map. Copy and complete the study guide on pg. 173 Use your notes or textbook on pg. 386-391 to complete it.