Lesson 5 “Stress Management” Stress: response of the body to demands of everyday living a) gray hair b) weight balance c) depression Stressor: the actual cause of stress ex. Finances; Boss; Children;…..or TESTS!!!! Our bodies go through a series of changes when stress occurs called….. General Adaptation Syndrome or GAS
There are 3 stages to GAS…. Alarm: the initial shock Adrenaline: hormone released for quick action 3:46 min
2) Resistance: body goes back to normal a) heart rate slows & blood pressure lowers b) muscles relax & sweating stops 3) Exhaustion: the body becomes fatigued a) increase risk of accidents b) immune system lowered…..disease/sickness occurs
Suicide! Question??? What is the only crime that is punishable by law if attempted, but not punishable if committed? Answer: Suicide! 2 ways of handling Stress… Eustress vs. Distress Healthy response to stress! ex. Scheduling a busy day Harmful response to stress! ex. Cramming for a test