D:\Student Guide Booklet fall 2008.doc
Professional Portfolio School Administration Program
Purpose of the Portfolio It provides a vehicle for the candidate’s reflection upon professional growth and learning and progress toward building principal competency It provides evidence to Bethel faculty and K-12 personnel of the candidate’s learning and potential for success as a school administrator
General Requirements Title Page Table of Contents Professional Resume Organization based upon the 6 Indiana Principal Standards
Summary Statements A 1-2 paragraph statement that summarizes the importance of each of the standards What does competency in that area “look like”? Use professional language Use your words and your ideas
Summary Statements Answers three questions in a narrative: What is the standard? What is included in the standard? Why is it important to a professional educator (why does it matter)?
A Good Example A Vision of Learning A building administrator should have a strong vision for the direction of the school. This vision must be well articulated to the whole school community, including students, parents, staff, and the community at large and reflect the core ideology. Data collection to understand the demographics of the school and community as well as the ability in facilitating stakeholders to build consensus is also included within this standard. Building administrators cannot effectively mobilize stakeholders and properly utilize resources unless they are clear with the direction of the school and can communicate that vision to all involved within the school community.
Rationale Statements Include the following information: What is it? What did you learn? How does it connect to the Standard? How will this learning impact student learning or development?
A Good Example I was asked to write an essay refuting an editorial during a writing course. I chose to write about an issue involving the public school and argued that it is legal and reasonable to teach intelligent design in our public schools. This assignment taught me how to take a strong position on a subject and support my opinion well. It also gave me an opportunity to practice my writing skills and learn various principles for written communication. It is important for a building administrator to understand the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context of the school and community in order to effectively lead. By keeping up-to-date with current issues I am able to provide the best possible learning experiences to the students.
A Good Example What it is: What I learned: I was asked to write an essay refuting an editorial during a writing course. I chose to write about an issue involving the public school and argued that it is legal and reasonable to teach intelligent design in our public schools. What I learned: How it connects to the Standard: It is important for a building administrator to understand the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context of the school and community in order to effectively lead. How it impacts students’ learning: By keeping up-to-date with current issues I am able to provide the best possible learning experiences to the students.
Writing Rationale Statements A poor example: “This is a picture of me reading a book to a class” How could you make this better?
Specific Requirements 3-Ring Binder 6 Sections—1 per Standard Summary Statement at the Beginning of each Standard Rationale Statement for each Artifact All Pages of an Artifact in 1 Document Protector
School Administration Minimum 18 Artifacts 3 Artifacts per Standard Internship will provide 2 Artifacts per Standard Internship will provide 2 Artifacts per Standard (1 Elementary/1 Secondary) At least 1 additional Artifact per Standard