What reason did each character have to avoid Higher Education? Lucy Shaun Zach
What other obstacles might you face for getting into Higher Education?
Your friends are doing something different Gender Won’t get the grades Your friends are doing something different Health problems Money School doesn’t offer the course or subject You’re not the “right” sort of person You’re a carer First in family You live in a rural area Your parents want you to do something different Not sure how to reach your goal
How would you overcome these obstacles?
How could you develop your strengths to be more like this person? Who inspires you? On your sheet, pick someone who does a job you would like and list their qualities How could you develop your strengths to be more like this person? Sheet 1
What skills and opportunities does Higher Education give you?
Better career prospects Higher salary Communication Specialist knowledge Problem-solving Time management Resilience Independence Essay and report writing Team work Research Opportunity to travel Presentation Cooking, cleaning, travelling for yourself Work experience
Do you know your pathway options? Sheet 2
4+ 3 2 Foundation Degree Degree BTEC A Level BTEC GCSE Level 2 Career/job Foundation Degree Higher/Degree Apprenticeship 4+ Degree BTEC Extended Diploma Advanced Apprenticeship 3 A Level 2 BTEC Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship GCSE ACADEMIC VOCATIONAL WORK BASED
4+ 3 2 Foundation Degree Degree Career/job Study theory and gain knowledge at school, college or University Foundation Degree Higher/Degree Apprenticeship 4+ Degree BTEC Extended Diploma Advanced Apprenticeship 3 A Level Intermediate Apprenticeship 2 BTEC Level 2 GCSE ACADEMIC VOCATIONAL WORK BASED
4+ 3 2 Foundation Degree Degree BTEC A Level BTEC GCSE Level 2 Career/job Combination of learning in the classroom at College, University or School and develop skills through placements and projects Foundation Degree Higher/Degree Apprenticeship 4+ Degree BTEC Extended Diploma Advanced Apprenticeship 3 A Level Intermediate Apprenticeship 2 BTEC Level 2 GCSE ACADEMIC VOCATIONAL WORK BASED
4+ 3 2 Foundation Degree Degree Full time work Career/job Full time work alongside part-time study at College or University Foundation Degree Higher/Degree Apprenticeship 4+ Degree BTEC Extended Diploma Advanced Apprenticeship 3 A Level Intermediate Apprenticeship 2 BTEC Level 2 GCSE ACADEMIC VOCATIONAL WORK BASED
What jobs and subjects would be best suited to each pathway? Solicitor Maths Civil Engineer Vet Music Producer Chef Hairdresser Social Work Physiotherapist Teacher Art History Geography Author Economics Carpenter English Graphic Designer Computer Science Pharmacist Film Director French Sports Coach Nurse Media Architect Sheet 3
What pathway would you pick? Sheet 4
Where can I find out more information? Careerpilot is a key resource that supports the WON.