Welcome Students! A message from Public Safety Cliff Anderson Director Lacy Kreye Administration Luke Peluso Safety Administrator Ed Wilberg Safety and Security Tom Deroush Campus Security Officer
Annual Crime Report Clery Act annual crime report is located at Public Safety blog site: https://arccpublicsafety.wordpress.com/ Report contains vital information on emergency situations Crime statistics for the last three years Referral agencies and contact information Daily logs are available at Public Safety
Poised to deter, quick to react Coon Rapids Police Department Anoka Police Department Anoka County dispatch center Cambridge Police Department Heartland Security officers Public Safety staff Facilities staff
Community College involves outside access ARCC events often includes visitors Activities and athletic events, camps, academies, seminars, meetings often include many spectators/visitors Parking lots are not enclosed or gated Security is active, but cannot monitor all areas Lighting is effective, but not always a deterrent
In order to make your campus experience as trouble free as possible, our Public Safety team would like to provide you with some basic information that will keep your personal property protected. Situational awareness; are you Enrolled in Star Alert? Aware where the public safety office is? Aware of evacuation routes? Aware of what to do during emergencies?
What we provide at Public Safety Lost and Found services Medical supplies Vehicle escort services for students Harassment complaints Damage to property reports Vehicle accidents/incidents Safety hazard reporting Daily crime reports
What reports can I see? Clery annual safety and security log go to https://arccpublicsafety.wordpress.com/ Public school information (media/news/blogs/sharepoint) Incident reports Daily security log Police reports (public information) Community briefings
Preventing a theft is easier than catching a thief Protecting your personal property begins before you arrive at ARCC. Here is a list of things that you can do prior to arriving on campus that will help you better protect your property: Make a list of your property The list should include make, model, color, and serial numbers Make sure to bring your list with you, and leave a copy with your parents or another relative Check on your insurance coverage
Have your insurance agent’s telephone number Register your computer with a technology tracking service (if affordable) Ex: find my Iphone Have an adequate number of quality locks to secure your property, if applicable
Personal property, especially electronic property, should never be left unattended. Take these items with you or secure them before leaving Never leave cash or jewelry in plain sight Be sure your wallet, purse, or money it is out of sight and in a secured location People look in your car
Keep track of your blank checks Keep track of your blank checks. Never leave them in an unsecured location. The theft of a single check can go undetected until your next bank statement reveals a forgery. If you have a bicycle, always lock it with a hardened lock and park it where you can keep an eye on it. Do not leave your bicycle unmoved for extended periods of time.
Your computer is one of your major college investments…be sure to take the time to protect that investment! If your computer is stolen, so are your saved files, term papers, homework, and notes - Backup your important files - Safeguard those drives as well The loss of some of these documents will create more hardship than the loss of the computer itself
Another major investment that needs to be protected is your automobile…and protecting it is easier than you think. Park your car, when possible, in a well lit area that is not secluded from public view. Never leave your keys in your car Always lock your doors
Never leave property in plain view in the car Take it with you, or put it in the trunk Be aware of people loitering in the area, and report your suspicions to 911 Contact Public Safety with other security concerns that are non-emergency Do not hide a spare key on the outside of the car
Above all else, BE INVOLVED IN YOUR CAMPUS COMMUNITY! Public Safety at ARCC will do all that it possibly can to protect you and your property…but we cannot do it alone. Local law enforcement departments have proven that community watch programs can be effective when citizens become involved. You and your fellow students are not only the minds and hearts of ARCC…you are also the eyes and ears. IF YOU SEE IT, REPORT IT
Goal: A safe learning environment for all By applying these simple, common sense actions to your daily activity, the Public Safety team at ARCC is confident that your property will be safe, and that your college experience at ARCC will be some of the most rewarding time of your life. Goal: A safe learning environment for all