It’s the Holiday Season! What’s happening! Happy Holidays Math- relating addition and subtraction facts which leads us to learn about fact families and number bonds! Reading- cause and effect, sequencing! Science: Matter! Solids, Liquids and Gases! Social Studies: responsibilities in our families and learning about the different holidays this month! December 7th and 8th: Holiday Boutique Dec. 11th/12th: Parent Teacher Conferences. These are HALF days for students. Dismissal at 11:15 am. Dec. 15th: Spirit Day Dec. 22nd :Wear RED for Day of Giving We wish you a very happy holiday season filled with lots of love, peace and SMILES! Love, Your JLC First Grade Teachers School Closings Looking ahead! Please send in a large ziploc bag with crayons and a coloring book for your child to use in the cafeteria for indoor recess! We all love a restful snow day and they may start to happen as the winter comes! Please check the school website for procedures on school closings and delayed openings. Homework Please continue to look over the HW sheet every day. Read for a minimum of 15 minutes and practice reading and maybe start writing those sight words!