Photon beamline crates Contents introduction Attempt to list where crates are used at FLASH and where they might be used at XFEL, whether modifications are required etc. instruments and their crates Gas Monitor Detector - GMD Beam Position Measurement - BPM Photo-electron spectrometer Motor controllers Pump laser Experiment End Stations Small user end station Large 2D pixel detector end station 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman Remember … Most of this information is new to me, so I have probably … misinterpreted information … missed out crate users at FLASH … missed proposed crate systems for XFEL 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Gas Monitor Detector - GMD At FLASH Measures photon beam intensity and x-y position Ionization electrons => position Integrated current measurement of ionization ions => beam intensity 2 GMDs per beamline and per experiment => 20 total 1 VME crate per GMD Single board SPARC cpu, runs DOOCS server, software Rehlich and GMD group Readout boards: timing control, digital intputs/outputs, ADCs, integrator, etc. Slow control: HV controller For use at FLASH Photoionization cross-section lower Detector eXtended GMD (XGMD) => increases meas. length, amplifies signal, … increase ADC and integrator resolution and speed Improve resolution of timer system Conclusion Single crate solution preferred, upgrades are required for XFEL usage which could allow a change of crate, most boards provided by MCS group 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Gas Monitor Detector - GMD At FLASH 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Beam Position Measurement - BPM At FLASH Beam position monitoring from electron ionization signal of GMD – will not work at XFEL, due to lower rate At XFEL Use instead a Flourescent screen plus Micro Channel Plate detector to visualize the position. Basler Camera readout via PC using firewire. This is no longer a crate system, and the firewire/PC might be replaced by a ethernet connection. 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Photo-electron spectrometer Prototype being built at FLASH Measures spectral distribution of each photon bunch 8 GHz sampling mean photon energy, bandwidth, higher harmonic content, spectral distribution Readout via Acquiris system (scope without the display) Compact PCI bus system Alternative to VME crate, it‘s newer so ADCs are faster Could be a candidate crate for the upgraded GMD system Single crate solution so could be a portable GMD for use elsewhere Access to timing and event ID information via compactPCI timing board – works(?) DOOCS server is available Data stored on internal disk Looks like another standard 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman Motor control At FLASH Drives appertures, mirror movements, invasive beam monitpring equipment Currently VME based Controller/steping boards sit in crate PC sitting outside crate drives boards 8 crates with ~100 drive channels At XFEL 100 channels per beamline, 5 beamlines Current solution is limited usually not possible to drive channels in parallel(?). Cantidate for a new implementation? 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman Pump laser Optical laser used to pump the sample Two VME crates used to control/monitor the system Was not able to get additional information on time PG2 BL1 BL3 BL2 Optischer LASER 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman Small user end station At FLASH 1 VME crate user end station per beamline Timing information Trigger signals Event ID Controls via DOOCS Experimenters store data on scope or laptop, analyse at home At XFEL Does this exist at XFEL – yes Must work at other non XFEL loactions ? Could be upgraded to a new standard is all required functionality provided. 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Large 2D pixel detector end station 3 detectors have submitted proposals/LoI: HPAD – Hybrid Array Pixel Detector LPD – Large Pixel Detector LSDD – Linear Silicon Drift detector Detectors: ~2MB, ~400 frames/bunchtrain digitized, all data archived. A common frontend/backend/archive solution is being looked at by HPAD and LSDD, possibly by LPD Frontend readout modules sends data to a PC farm PC farm builds complete frames and then bunchtrains Data archived to tape silos in DESY computer center Designs still being worked on. 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Large 2D pixel detector end station LPD Originally ATCA crate proposed for data processing card MicroTCA now favoured LPD request TCA based solutions should not be excluded from standard LSDD Idea: readout ASIC and transfer data via custom protocol to crates (candidates ATCA, CompactPCI,…), where data is reorganized and sent via network IP protocol to backend 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
HPAD frontend overview 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Large 2D pixel detector end station Preliminery ideas w.r.t. crates to be used, for HPAD Timing signals Fast bunch veto signal Start bunchtrain + bunch clock CompactPCI/PXI, possibly ATCA crate Vbias PS SC propriety crates DESY timing standard crate. Not required if board goes into main crate. … .. C P U Field bus … … Front end modules Set configuration Read status Set Bunchtrain gap vetos Euro standard crate – for modules not requiring bus Not a crate, but modules in some mechanical framework on the detector head Frontend modules 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman HPAD crates CompactPCI/PXI rather than ATCA Availability of commercial boards for: Slow ADCs Digital I/O Fieldbus interface … Also important More than one user group with different slow control requirements. External data Timing system input required Access to slow (bunchtrain) data from network 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman
Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman Conclusions There are many crate based systems in the photon beamline, both experiments and beam monitoring systems. A standard crate could be introduced most easily where: An upgrade is required, e.g. GMD A new installation is planed, e.g. 2D pixel detectors. 04.Dec.2007 Crate standard workshop - C.Youngman