High School Research Team Presentation to BHS Staff March 31, 2009
Committee Charge To recommend changes that will: 1. Maintain or improve the program that we offer students 2. Improve the efficiency of our operation and save money for the district This is a work in progress
Committee Members BHS Teachers: Central Office: Pat Boehm – Media Specialist Sean Carney – Teacher Lynette Daig – Teacher Tom Doane - Teacher Joanne Durham – Teacher Pat Rogers – Teacher BHS / District Staff: Renee Morrison – Spec. Ed. Kathy Posly – Nurse Ed Renckley – Operations Aileen Samson – Operations Laura Saunders – Security Cindy Stafford – Data Proc. Barb Williams – Student Sppt Central Office: Bonnie Riutta, Superintendent Baiba Jensen, Curriculum Elson Liu, Technology BHS Administration: Ken Hamman, Principal Kirk Hobson, Asst. Principal Pat Meyer, Asst. Principal Laura Surrey, Asst. Principal Parents: Lydia Dubose Bill Roth Randy Swain BEA: Barry Goode Arnella Park
Subcommittees Student Pride Campaign Staffing Efficiency (building operations) Scheduling & Staffing (classroom) Technology / Online Learning creative commons nothingtosay
Student Pride Campaign Purpose To create a healthy, attractive work atmosphere for students and staff To save money on repairing vandalism and cleaning To promote community service and ownership at BHS creative commons thomasmperry
Student Pride Campaign Philosophy Campaign policy: Of the students, by the students, for the students Student involvement Staff involvement creative commons iceninejon
Staffing Efficiency: Career Center Keep Career Center at 0.6 FTE Counselors & Admin to make Career Center more efficient and focused on Career Pathways Curriculum & MS Counselors to make grade 8 EDP's more consistent with coming to BHS Grade 10 PLAN Test to better use Career Cruising, personal curricula, college searches Meet MERIT curriculum 20 hour online learning requirement through Career Center Revisit recommendation once grade 8 EDP's are more consistent with coming to BHS
Staffing Efficiency: Secretarial / Clerical Close clerical offices on days that there are no students or staff in attendance. Reduce salary, benefits, heating, cooling, electricity 12 days including: Wednesday before Thanksgiving Winter (Holiday) Break Mid-Winter Break Spring Break Approximate savings ~ $21,000
Staffing Efficiency: Campus Security & Saturday School Reduce one 37.5 hr / wk position Approximate savings ~ $21,900 Reduce two 30 hr / wk positions Approximate savings ~ $35,100 Saturday school – eliminate 21 Saturday schools each year Approximate savings ~ $3,300
Scheduling & Staffing Restructure year-long courses into semester courses 2009-10: all except required English courses 2010-11: all courses creative commons fabian jochen kanzler
Scheduling & Staffing Maximize class sizes Drop courses with low enrollment Restructure art courses from 3 levels to 2 levels Beginning Studio: pottery metal arts drawing & painting creative commons brave heart
Scheduling & Staffing Projections Projected enrollment: 2200 students Projected staffing: 86.5 FTE Reduction of 7.5 FTE from 2008-09 Approximate savings ~ $450,000 creative commons salynaz
Scheduling & Staffing Projections Reduced course offerings based on low enrollment Several full capacity courses scheduled Every department FTE reduction Elimination of Technology Support Includes maintaining 0.6 FTE Career Center creative commons thus
Technology / Online Learning Targeted courses, targeted models: Credit recovery Traditional sections, daily attendance At least 1 section outside traditional school day Advanced: electives not otherwise available At least 1 face-to-face check in per week Teacher & Student Qualifications Staffing
Technology / Online Learning Costs & Savings: Short term: At Risk funding Long term: consolidate low enrollment electives Best case approximate savings: ~ $50,000 Ongoing planning: BAS staff-created courses, Seat-time waiver, Middle school courses Infrastructure & Personnel needs Other recommendations: Energy efficiency Approximate savings: ~ $20,000
Other Areas to be Investigated to Continue the Transformation Number of Administrators Curriculum Coordinators Elective Parameters Technology Support Seven Period Day Shortened School Year Consolidating Administrative Secretarial duties
creative commons segozyme Questions and Answers creative commons segozyme