3/2 Aim: How did Spain rule it’s empire in the Americas ? Do Now : Complete Do Now on your handout: Imagine being a Native American in Mexico now under Spanish Control, create a list of words or phrases that describes how your life has changed now that you are under Spanish rule (think religiously, politically, economically, socially)
Colonies in Latin America At this time most land had been colonized by mostly by Spain. Evidence of this can be seen today because most Latin American countries speak Spanish still. Catholic Church leaders, military, and landowners in Latin America made up an elite class and held political power. Encomienda, or Hacienda system is developed by this class of people. They use the natives for labor and make laws solely for their benefit.
Opposition to Spanish Rule Spanish priests such as Bartolome de las Casas pushed for better treatment of Native Americans and pushed to end the encomienda system. Large numbers of Native Americans began to die and labor needs werent being met. To meet the labor needs, de las Casas suggest the use of slaves from Africa. Beginning of African slavery in the new world.
Social Classes of the Spanish Colonies Peninsulares – people born in Spain and filled the highest government positions. Creoles – American born decedents of Spanish settlers. Creoles owned most of the Plantations, ranches, and mines. Mestizos – Mixed European and Native American descent. Mulattos – Mixed European and African decent