GRI NW TRANSPARENCY PROJECT 13th RCC Meeting The Hague 25 March 2009
IMPLEMENTATION OVERVIEW E.ON GT Fluxys Svenska Kraftnät RWE TNG National Grid Interconnector Gaslink WINGAS TRANSPORT Ontras GRTgaz Gasunie DEP Swedegas GdFDT GTS BBL (C1) Max technical capacity in place (C2) Interruption in place April (C3) Daily commercial firm and interruptible capacity (F1) Daily flow / aggregated Allocation March May 2009 (F2) Daily prompt allocation information (F3) Daily aggregate day-ahead nominations July March Dec 2009 (F4) Historic gas flow information database Number of IPs 22 19 1 5 8 4 3 9 6 7 2 25 3 minus rule IPs 12 TSOs report published Specific date Less than three shippers Not published/no date Not applicable
PRESENT PROJECT CONCLUSIONS AT MADRID FORUM OUTSTANDING ACTIONS TSO ISSUE COMPLETION DATE BBL IT issues delayed expected release date (F1, F4, F3) May 2009 & Dec. 2009 DEP IT issues (F3) March 2009 April 2009 GdF DT Resource constraints (F3) July 2010 (?) GRTgaz Shipper consultation (F3) July 2009 GUD Ontras New IT system, -3 shipper rule (C2, F1, F3, F4) WINGAS TRANSPORT Shipper concerns (F1, F3) ? PRESENT PROJECT CONCLUSIONS AT MADRID FORUM
HIGHLIGHTED IN LETTER TO GAS STORAGE EUROPE EXISTING PUBLICATION ISSUES Importance of coordinated European and regional approach RCC letter to GSE suggests areas for improvement: Frequency with which information is updated Zone of aggregation Number of participating storage facilities The types of information that SSOs publish HIGHLIGHTED IN LETTER TO GAS STORAGE EUROPE
Formal Gas Storage Europe response to RCC letter on 17 March 2009 PROGRESS TO DATE Formal Gas Storage Europe response to RCC letter on 17 March 2009 Next enhancement of GSE Aggregate Stock Inventory: Daily publication of stock levels Extension of platform coverage to new storage system operators Role for GRI NW to encourage all SSOs to publish daily stock information 20 APRIL JOINT RCC AND GSE MEETING ON IN BRUSSELS OBJECTIVE: GSE TO PROPOSE PROJECT MILESTONES
NETWORK USERS’ COMMON POSITION THE PRIORITIES Gas Quality Information Information on Capacity availability Gas Flow Information Balancing and Security of Supply Information Why these priorities? EFET Eurogas IFIEC GEODE eurelectric OGP “common position on minimum transparency requirements” Two proposed workstreams 1. Harmonisation of existing information 2. Incremental release of new information
POSSIBLE PHASE 2 PRIORITIES Harmonisation of phase one information The type of gas flow information that is published Maximum technical capacity The time period for which capacity information is published Incremental release of information Security of supply information Balancing information Gas quality information Gas flow information
GRI NW TRANSPARENCY WORKSHOP BRUSSELS – HOTEL BLOOM! – 31 MARCH DRAFT AGENDA 14:30 Opening and welcome Ofgem Review of Phase 1 14:40 Overview of TSO response to Network User requirements 15:10 Network User Presentation EFET 15:25 Eurogas 15:40 Coffee Break 16:00 TSOs on demand forecasts TBC 16:20 TSO presentation on balancing 16:40 Discussion on 2009 deliverables Panel 17:30 Workshop Ends
HARMONISATION 1: ACTUAL FLOWS Gas flow information Some TSOs publish the actual volume of gas flowing through a pipeline, others publish the final allocations Some TSOs publish real time information others publish information with a time lag Should all TSOs publish actual flow information? BENEFITS COSTS Address problem of contractual congestion Determine probability of interruption
FOR EXAMPLE Historical information on the capacity products that have been sold Maximum technical capacity Actual gas flows
HARMONISATION 2: MAXIMUM CAPACITY Maximum technical capacity Some TSOs frequently update maximum technical capacity, other TSOs have a more fixed definition Should all TSOs be required to explain how, why and when maximum technical capacity changes? BENEFITS COSTS Address problem of contractual congestion Help determine true value of interruptible products Increase capacity availability?
HARMONISATION 3: TIME PERIOD ON CAPACITY AVAILABILITY Contract length and period for which capacity availability is published Some TSOs publish available capacity (maximum capacity) for the same time period as the maximum available contract length, other TSOs publish capacity availability for a shorter period of time Should all TSOs publish the available capacity for the maximum capacity contract length BENEFITS COSTS Address problem of contractual congestion Highlight long term network investment requirements
20 Year Maximum Contract Length FOR EXAMPLE 20 Year Maximum Contract Length
INCREMENTAL 1: GAS DEMAND FORECASTS Network Users believe that TSOs should publish demand forecasts information TSOs in 5 out of 9 GRI NW countries reported that demand forecasts are published or will be published in the near future BENEFITS COSTS Enable shippers to ensure that they have sufficient gas to meet demand Reduce balancing costs Improve security of supply
INCREMENTAL 2: BALANCING INFORMATION TSO responses highlighted 3 areas where information provision fell short of Network User requirements: Real time information on imbalance charges Linepack information Details of TSO balancing actions (nature, timing, volume and cost information)
INCREMENTAL 3: RESTORATION OF GAS FLOWS Network Users specified that TSOs should publish information on the restoration of gas flows on a non-discriminatory basis It was not clear if all TSOs provided this information on a non-discriminatory basis
INCREMENTAL 4: GAS QUALITY INFORMATION TSOs should publish information on their systems’ gas quality parameters and the daily measured values of those parameters It was not clear if all TSOs publish information on the gas quality requirements of their respective systems TSOs in 7 out of 9 GRI NW countries reported that they published some daily information on measured values of key gas quality parameters
COMMERCIAL CONFIDENTIALITY The three dimensions of data granularity that determine the extent to which it is commercially sensitive: The period of aggregation The zone of aggregation The time lag of publication THE TSO SHOULD DEMONSTRATE WHY THE INFORMATION IS COMMERCIALLY SENSITIVE
DEMENSION 1: PERIOD OF AGGREGATETION The time period over which the information to be released has been aggregated
DIMENSION 2: ZONE OF AGGREGATION The ‘geographic’ or ‘market specific’ detail contained in the information to be released
DIMENSION 3: TIME LAG The time lag associated with the release of the information