McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Of 2001


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McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Of 2001 Title X, Part C No Child Left Behind Act


Cumberland County Schools Professional Development Series Stone Memorial High School August 2, 2016 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

WELCOME! Glad you stopped by!

Definition of “homeless children and youth”: Lack fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence Share housing (due to loss or hardship) Live in hotels, motels, trailer homes, campgrounds, emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or awaiting foster care placement Primary nighttime residence not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation

Definition of “homeless children and youth”: Live in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings Migratory children who qualify as homeless because of their living situation Unaccompanied youth (youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian)

Barriers To Education For Children And Youth In Homeless Situations Physical and mental health consequences of homelessness Enrollment document requirements High mobility Lack of transportation Lack of school supplies, clothing Employment obligations Prejudice/Stereotyping

Enrollment Barriers That Homeless Students Frequently Face Transportation Immunization requirements Residency requirements Providing birth certificates Legal guardianship requirements School attendance policies Credit accrual

NO BRAINERS! Students who switch schools frequently score lower on standardized tests—20 points lower! It takes children 4-6 months to recover academically after changing schools Mobility during high school greatly diminishes the likelihood of graduation—half as likely to get a diploma

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Educational Stability and Continuity: Requires schools to keep students in school of origin to the extent feasible, except where contrary to the wishes of parent or guardian Student’s right to attend the school of origin extends to entire duration of homelessness

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Educational Stability and Continuity: Requires removal of any barriers that contribute to exclusion or enrollment delay Opportunity to meet the same challenging state academic standards all students are expected to meet Access to all services to ensure they have an opportunity to meet those standards—Special Ed., ELL, Gifted/Talented, CTE, School Nutrition, Title I, Pre-school, Head Start

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Student Access to School: Requires schools to immediately enroll children and youth experiencing homelessness Requires a liaison in every school district Requires public notice of educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness disseminated in every school district

Identification Strategies Awareness training/activities for school staff Coordination with community agencies Outreach materials/posters at key locations Identification of preschoolers by asking about siblings of school-age children Use of enrollment and withdrawal forms to inquire about living situations Avoidance of “homeless” descriptor in initial contacts with suspected homeless families Writing/drawing activities for elementary students about where they live

Common Homeless Warning Signs Lack Of Continuity In Education Attendance in many different schools Lack of personal records needed to enroll Inability to pay fees Gaps in skill development Mistaken diagnosis of abilities Poor organizational skills Poor ability to conceptualize

Common Homeless Warning Signs Poor Health/Nutrition Lack of immunizations and records Unmet medical and dental needs Increased vulnerability to colds and flu Respiratory problems Skin rashes Chronic hunger (may horde food) Fatigue (may fall asleep in class)

Common Homeless Warning Signs Transportation And Attendance Problems Erratic attendance and tardiness Numerous absences Lack of participation in after-school activities Lack of participation in field trips Absences on days when students bring special treats from home Inability to contact parents

Common Homeless Warning Signs Poor Hygiene Lack of shower facilities/clothes washers Wearing the same clothes for several days Inconsistent grooming—well groomed one day and poorly groomed the next

Common Homeless Warning Signs Lack Of After School Personal Space Consistent lack of preparation for school No place to do assignments Incomplete or missing homework Unable to complete special projects Lack of basic school supplies Loss of books or supplies on a regular basis Concern for safety of belongings Refusing invitations of classmates

Common Homeless Warning Signs Social And Behavioral Concerns A marked change in behavior Poor/short attention span Poor self esteem Extreme shyness Unwillingness to form relationships Difficulty socializing Aggression “Old” beyond their years

Common Homeless Warning Signs Social And Behavioral Concerns (continued) Protective of parents Clinging behavior Developmental delays Fear of abandonment School phobia Need for immediate gratification Anxiety late in the school day

Common Homeless Warning Signs Reaction/Statements By Parent/Guardian, Or Child “I don’t remember the name of my last school.” “We’ve been moving around a lot.” “Our address is new. I can’t remember it.” “We’re staying with relatives until we get settled.” “We’re going through a tough time right now.” “We’ve been unpacking/traveling.”

Homeless Assistance Act – LEA Requirements: All LEAs must designate an appropriate liaison (may be a coordinator of other federal programs) LEAs must adopt policies and practices to ensure transportation is provided at request of parent or guardian (or LEA liaison on behalf of unaccompanied youth), to and from the school of origin

Homeless Assistance Act – LEA Requirements: Enroll homeless child or youth immediately even if no records are currently available School must contact student’s school last attended for academic and other records Immediate referral to LEA liaison if immunization or medical records are unavailable from prior schools

Homeless Assistance Act- LEA Requirements: Records must be kept, maintained and available for future school enrollment

Role Of The LEA Homeless Liaison: Ensure identification of students through coordination with school personnel and other agencies Ensure enrollment with full and equal opportunity to succeed in school (e.g., Head Start, Even Start, preschool, health care, dental, mental health, etc.) Ensure parent/guardian or youth is informed of educational rights

Role Of The LEA Homeless Liaison: Assist unaccompanied youth with placement, enrollment and knowing their rights Disseminate public notices of educational rights Inform and assist with accessing transportation-collaborate and coordinate Mediate enrollment disputes

Dispute Resolution Procedures mandated for prompt resolution of disputes regarding placement If dispute arises, immediate admission to school of choice while dispute is being resolved Written explanation of school’s decision provided to parent, guardian or unaccompanied youth School must refer the parent, guardian, or student to the local liaison Liaisons are responsible to see that these provisions are carried out

Coordination With Title I Title I requires that LEAs must provide services for children and youth that live in homeless situations. Children and youth experiencing homelessness are automatically eligible to receive Title I services by virtue of their homelessness LEAs must submit a Title I plan to the SEA That is coordinated with McKinney-Vento and describes services and set-asides.

Monitoring Of Homeless Education All LEAs: Self-Monitoring done annually On-site Monitoring completed by NCLB Consultants as part of Comprehensive Monitoring Cumberland County’s Federal Programs could be monitored at any time!!!

Homeless Education Resources Jonathan Bolding, State Project Director – Homeless Education: Phone: 615.770.1793 Cell: 615.580.2036 Websites:

Homeless Education Resources Dan Schlafer, Cumberland County Schools Federal Programs Director: – office email – home email Office Phone: 931.456.8347 Office Direct Line: 931.250.8220 Personal Cell Phone: 423.253.5150

HOMELESS EDUCATION RESOURCES Lisa Phillips, Student Services Coordinator, 931.707.5271- office; U.S. Dept. of Education, Education For Homeless Children And Youth Program Gary Rutkin, Coordinator National Center For Homeless Education (NCHE) Diana Bowman, Director Helpline: 1.800.308.2145 Email:

Homeless Education Resources The National Association For The Education Of Homeless Children And Youth (NAEHCY) National Law Center On Homelessness And Poverty

Homeless Education Resources Homeless Education: An Introduction to the Issues Determining Eligibility Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Brief Title I and Homelessness To Order FREE Materials

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