Today we will... Identify factors that impact on performance in gymnastics Identify block objectives Assess our understanding ‘skills’ and ‘techniques’ Consider how to best categorise skills
Physical Social Mental Emotional Fitness Skill Tactics / Composition Skill Classification Simple/Complex Open /Closed Serial/Discreet Happiness /sadness Confidence Belief in self Belief in own ability Resilience Optimism Pessimism Technical Qualities Timing Rhythm, Consistency Anger Decision making Self-control Aggression Hostility Stages of Learning Cognitive Associative Automatic Fear Confidence, Realising potential Panic Confusion Stress Anxiety Nervousness Quality of performance Fluency Effort Accuracy Control
Factors Impacting on Performance Physical –Skill Emotional Physical - Skill Skill Classification Emotional Fear Skill Classification Simple/Complex Open /Closed Serial/Discreet Fear Anxiety
Block Objectives Improve our gymnastics performance by developing our understanding of Physical Skills: What are skills How to gather information on skills How you break skills down Ways to learn skills Importance of feedback when learning skills Stages we go through when learning skills Improve our gymnastics performance by developing our understanding of our Emotions: Our understanding of Fear(Anxiety) What is anxiety? How to gather information on our level of anxiety? Why was this method useful for gathering information?
What is a skill? A skill describes the purpose of linked sequences of movement. An example of a skill is shooting in basketball.
What is a technique? A technique describes the way a skill is performed. Examples of shooting techniques in basketball are lay-up, set shot, jump shot and slam dunk.
Complete the table below... Activity Skill Techniques Gymnastics rotation Basketball Shooting Netball Pass