Hillhead High School Senior Phase Pathways Information Evening September 2017
Programme for this evening Purpose of tonight Information on Hillhead High’s curriculum structure – K. McAlaney The options process and support available – J. Meechan S6 and beyond – P. Murray & S.Neil
Purpose of this Information Evening Share information on our curricular model Introduce you to many of the key people / partners Answer any questions Time to discuss
Old Curriculum Model – before CfE Employment / Training College S5 – Highers and Intermediates S6- Advanced Highers, Highers and Intermediates University S3 & S4 Standard Grades S1 & S2 Common Course Pupils made main choices during S2 A number of pupils left at the end of S4 Those who stayed on often left at the end of S5 Concern of the “two term dash” for Higher in S5
CfE: Key changes More pupils staying on at school longer and approaches to the senior phase changing as a result: The common course of S1-S2 replaced with a Broad General Education that lasts until the end of S3 More focus on wider achievement More focus on qualifications at exit level More opportunities for pupils at all levels / more flexible curriculum Schools can design a curriculum to fit needs of their pupils
The Broad General Education (BGE) Expressive Arts Health and Wellbeing Languages (including English) Mathematics Religious and Moral Education Sciences Social Studies Technologies The BGE lasts until the end of third year (S3)
CfE – typical approach S1 –S3 Broad General Education S4 1 year Nat 4 or Nat 5 course x 7 or 8 subjects S5 – 1 year courses in Nat 5 or Higher x 5 subjects S6 – 1 year courses in Nat 5 or Higher or Advanced Higher Impact on delivering true BGE Assessment burden in S4 Still “two-term dash” in S5 Duplication of work Less room for wider achievement
Broad General Education Our Approach S4 & S5 Two Year Pathway (Higher, Nat 5 or Nat 4) – 6 subjects and one Wider Achievement option OR S4 One Year Pathway S6 – one year Nationals, Highers and Advanced Highers, college courses, mentoring, Open University courses, volunteering etc S1 – S3 Broad General Education Minor personalisation and choice in S3 of the BGE within the curricular areas Senior phase begins at start of S4 More time for learning and teaching Space for wider achievement
What about those who wish to leave at the end of S4 or during S5? National 4 Employability pathways is on offer – to date, no uptake Risk Matrix used to identify those in danger of leaving early Support put in place to “bank” as many National 4s as possible
What has been the impact of this approach? More pupils leaving school with Highers and Advanced Highers – better quality of passes also Fewer children leaving with results at National 4 level At Hillhead around 98% of pupils stay on to the end of S5 and 86% of S4 pupils stayed on to the end of S6. Pupils go on to positive destinations
Evaluation of our approach Education Scotland visits over the last few years Support of local authority May 2017 - visit of Bill Maxwell (former CEO of Education Scotland) and Paul Johnston (Director-General Learning and Justice) June 2017- publication of Senior Phase Pathways in three secondary schools
Pupil Voice – Two Year Pathway lots of time to prepare in class before exams More time for learning and practice (e.g. two prelims) Moving levels can be easier earlier on in certain courses but in others it can be decided very late which gives you more time to progress Wider achievement - wide range of choices, good experience, develops key skills, most lead to an award, enjoyable, something to look forward to
Transition Points
Personalisation and Choice in S3 Pupils make choices half-way through S2 for the final year of the BGE. Pupils continue with English, mathematics and their chosen modern language, RE, PE and PSE. Pupils make 6 other choices within the curricular areas – e.g. a pupil may opt for chemistry and/or biology in science. Pupils continue to work through BGE courses – usually at third or fourth level. Senior phase options process begins half-way through S3.
Preparing for the Senior Phase In February of 2018 young people will be given the opportunity to review their subject choices their Pastoral Care teachers will help them decide which subjects and qualifications they want to study in fourth year and beyond What subjects do I like? What I am going to do when I leave school? What subjects will I need to take into the senior phase?
Support Available Options Booklets PSE lessons Subject reports and Parents’ Evenings Pastoral Care teachers Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Principal Teachers of Raising Attainment Pupils complete 2 drafts of the form – pupil voice is at the heart of process
X Pupil comment - I would like N5 Modern studies in column E
S4 Wider Achievement
SCQF Level School Qualifications College Qualifications University Qualifications Apprenticeship Qualifications 10 Honours Degree Graduate Apprenticeship SVQ Level 6 9 Bachelors Degree SVQ Level 5 8 Higher National Diploma (HND) Year 2 Higher Apprenticeship SVQ Level 4 7 Advanced Higher Higher National Certificate (HNC) Year 1 Modern Apprenticeship SVQ Level 3 6 Higher Skills for Work Level 6 NPA Level 6 National Certificate (NC) Level 6 SVQ Level 2 5 National 5 Skills for Work Level 5 NPA Level 5 Level 5 SVQ Level 1 4 National 4 Skills for Work Level 4 NPA Level 4
Our Vision for S6 Leadership and responsibility S6 Induction Week Partnerships