Leaps and Bound(arie)s The Social Network(s) Is There a Dr. In the House? Document Communicate 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50
Category 1 questions follow
A parent invites you to stay for dinner, or to pick dinner up for you, what should you do? Category 1 10
Just say no! Category 1 10
20 A parent asks if you have a significant other, what should you do? Category 1 20
Slippery Slope! Category 1 20
A parent calls you just as ‘Game of Thrones’ is starting, what do you do? Category 1 30
That’s what voice mail is for! Category 1 30
Should you talk to a parent about how their child was in school that day? Category 1 40
Keep it brief, redirect (e. g. ‘He ate all of his lunch today…Squirrel Category 1 40
Should you attend your client’s birthday party? Category 1 50
Will there be cake? Still, not a good idea. Category 1 50
Category 2 questions follow
10 A parent sends you a friend request on FB, what do you do? Category 2 10
Politely decline. Category 2 10
A co-worker wants to connect with you on LinkedIn…is this ok? 20
Link away! Category 2 20
You take an adorable ‘selfie’ of you and the second grader you are working with, how quickly do you upload to your FB timeline? Category 2 30
30 Noooooo….HIPAA, HIPAA, HIPAA! (and no ‘Instagram’ either!) Category 2 30
Should I make my profile public or private? Category 2 40
Every heard of Google? Best to keep it hidden, your friends will still see that adorable kitten video you posted. Category 2 40
Category 2 question for 50 points
Category 2 answer for 50 points
Category 3 questions follow
You’re deathly ill, and can’t possibly show up for your school/home session. What do you do? Category 3 10
Pick up that phone, you’ve got calls to make! Category 3 10
What happens to sick days you don’t use? Category 3 20
You get paid for them! Go to Vegas, go directly to Vegas, and do not pass Disneyland on the way. Category 3 20
If you are on a home case and you are 10 minutes late, do you keep the time the same on your time sheet? Category 3 30
Exact times, please. Category 3 30
Category 3 question for 40 points
Category 3 answer for 40 points
Category 3 question for 50 points
Category 3 answer for 50 points
Category 4 questions follow
When should I input my notes? Category 4 10
How soon is now? Category 4 10
What if I forgot my password? Category 4 20
20 Email welligentsupport@iecp.us or npaworkssupport@iecp.us Category 4 20
Should you write your notes from your own perspective? Category 4 30
30 Write what you see, not what you think. Remember your ABCs. Category 4 30
Category 4 question for 40 points
Category 4 answer for 40 points
Category 4 question for 50 points
Category 4 answer for 50 points
Category 5 questions follow
Why do I need to check my IECP email? Category 5 10
Information is power! Category 5 10
Can you call or text a supervisor during a session? Category 5 20
20 Home = Use discretion! School = LAUSD has no phone policy. Category 5 20
How often should I check my IECP email? Category 5 30
Got Work? Category 5 30
Category 5 question for 40 points
Category 5 answer for 40 points
Category 5 question for 50 points
Category 5 answer for 50 points