PSB-PS instrumentation for LIU 26/04/2017 PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann PSB-PS instrumentation for LIU W. Bartmann 26th April 2017
Questions to be clarified 26/04/2017 PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann Questions to be clarified BPMs in BTP and PS injection region Wires downstream PS injection region + electronics specification Screen in BTP – disentangle emittance/dispersion contributions BTM instrumentation What remains to be updated in Madx files Plan to have several meetings on these topics until everything clear - within the next 2 months
PS injection instrumentation – now and after LS2 26/04/2017 PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann PS injection instrumentation – now and after LS2 Presently SS42 includes 2 profile measurements BTV upstream the 42 bumper Wires in the SMH42 tank
PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann 26/04/2017 PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann BTP - now
PS injection instrumentation 26/04/2017 PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann PS injection instrumentation Presently SS42 includes 2 profile measurements BTV upstream the 42 bumper Wires in the SMH42 tank Future SS42 will be fully covered by Septa tank (SMH42 and Bumper42) Vacuum chamber Y upgraded for improved aperture Installation this EYETS Includes port for BTV slided into MU41 No BPM included Wires will go to vacuum chamber of MU42 installation foreseen in LS2
PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann 26/04/2017 PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann BTP - post LS2
PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann 26/04/2017 PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann BTP – post LS2
BPM phase space coverage in BTP 26/04/2017 PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann BPM phase space coverage in BTP Vertically well covered Horizontally missing 90 deg upstream septum exit – coincides with kicker phase
Conclusion for BPMs in BTP 26/04/2017 PS inj instrumentation, W. Bartmann Conclusion for BPMs in BTP Suggest to move BPM which is right downstream the last BTP quad as far downstream as possible And add BPM at 90 deg H location wrt to septum exit – between QNO50 and 55; space available The model of the 2 GeV stray field can be validated with the SS42 screen The two BPMs with 90 deg phase advance in YASP should then allow for efficient injection steering and monitoring of trajectory variation – short and longterm Wires downstream injection straight ensure clean steering onto machine orbit