Scheduling 2017 Welcome Class of 2018! Items you should have: Transcript/Course Planner Scheduling Instruction Sheet/Grad Requirements Elective Information/Electives by Career Pathway Sheet
Scheduling Process Complete by March 24, 2017!! Log into Career Cruising Username and password are on instruction sheet Click on drop down box next to name Click on “My Course Plan” Be aware of any special programs/courses in which you have been enrolled. They are listed on your instruction sheet. Review 4 year plan Place next year’s course requests into 12 grade course listing. Fill up alternate slots (at least 3 credits/6 trimester slots) Complete by March 24, 2017!!
When selecting classes, please consider… Graduation Requirements (see handout) Electives That Will Support Your Future Goals (see career pathways handout) New Course Offerings Changes to Existing Course Offerings Special Programs Calhoun Area Career Center (CACC) Courses Salon Spa Dual Enrollment Michigan Virtual High School/Lakeview Online Courses Independent Research Advanced Placement Courses Other Special Programs Indicated on your Scheduling Instruction Sheet
Graduation Requirements Can be found on Scheduling Instruction & Graduation Requirement Sheet 4 English Credits 1 English class each year Must continue to progress i.e. English 9 >> English 10 >> English 11, etc. Upon the completion of 1 AP course, other options may be considered by speaking with your counselor 4 Math Credits Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and 1 additional Math or Math related class Math related may include any Math Department course, Entrepreneurship, Manufacturing Technology, Woodworking Technology, Engineering, Surviving on Your Own, Accounting, Physics (unless being counted as a science credit) or any CACC courses. 3 Science Credits Physical Science, Biology and Chemistry, Physics, or Anatomy Students who start in Biology in 9th grade, must also take both Chemistry and Physics See counselor for options to edit third science credit
Graduation Requirements Cont. 3.5 Social Studies Credits World History, US History, Economics (.5 credit), Government 2 World Language Credits Must Be Two of the Same Language (Spanish, French, Japanese) See counselor for options to waive second credit 2 PE Credits 1 VPAA Credit Any Music, Art, Drama, Technology , Communications classes Individual classes include Coding/Programming, Advanced Marketing, Sports Marketing, Creative Writing Some CACC and MSC courses qualify – check course description guide
Electives That Support Your Academic and Career Goals Class Information & Career Pathway Sheet lists all classes available for your grade. For more information go to Course Description Guide online: >> schools >> high school >> academic program >> Course Description Guide Stop by Student Service Center for paper copy if you don’t have internet access at home. Career Cruising includes course descriptions. Select classes that will be interesting and beneficial to your Career Goals
Changes to Existing Course Offerings Business Accounting 3 is now by instructor approval. Drama Advanced Theater is now called Stage Improv and Performance, must have instructor permission, must also be taking Theater Arts Mentor in same year English Philosophy and Mythology (now an A/B course) offered every other year. Mythology A – Classical and Mythology B – World are offered for the 2017-18 year. Family and Consumer Science Parenting and Child Development offered every other year. Child Development will be offered in 2017-18 Nutrition – General is now called Nutrition – Macronutrients. Nutrition – Your Body is now called Nutrition – Micronutrients.
Changes to Existing Course Offerings Continued… Math Applied Geometry is being offered as a 3 trimester option. Music Jazz Ensemble is being offered Science Environment Science – Action Project will be offered for 2017/2018 (Environmental Science – Water Resources will be offered for 2018/2019) Social Studies Online Courses (Offered Online course readiness survey is required to be enrolled. The link is next to the course selection in Career Cruising. The link is also printed out on the registration form): Government (in Class or online) AP Psychology A, B and C (in class or online) World At War 911 or WWII (online only) Cultural Literacy – Books and Movies (online only)
Changes to Existing Course Offerings Continued… Technology Woodworking Technology 3 and 4 are now by instructor approval. World Language Workplace Spanish (Medical) is offered Miscellaneous Intro to Information Literacy can be requested in Career Cruising with a prerequisite of a 3.0 GPA, no discipline referrals, and no more than 3 absences per trimester. Student Leadership For Change is now listed as a Social Studies course.
Special Programs Calhoun Area Career Center (CACC) Salon Spa If you have been granted a seat in a CACC program, it is listed on your scheduling instructions sheet. Education Academy still has to consider applications. Please select LHS classes now and we will call you down to change to the program once you are accepted. If you submitted a form and did not receive a slot, you are on a waiting list. If you received slot and not longer want it, please inform Mrs. Van Dis in the SSC or your counselor ASAP. Salon Spa Cosmetology program for seniors. Attend Tuesday-Saturday. Attend the first year of the program as a senior and attend the second year of the program the year after you graduate. Registration process is the same as CACC.
Special Programs, Continued Dual Enrollment Listed Under the Dual Enrollment Tab. Schedule the class now, enroll in it by June 9, 2017 Must be a class that: Isn’t offered at LHS (i.e. Anthropology) or Is the equivalent of a class already taken at LHS (i.e. many students retake Anatomy at KCC after taking it at LHS) . Must commit to taking it for the full year in multiples of two (1 Fall and 1 spring class.) Register for Dual Enrollment A, B and C for two college classes (1 Fall and 1 Spring class) Also register for Dual Enrollment D, E and F for third and fourth college classes (2 Fall and 2 Spring classes). Also register for Dual Enrollment H, I, and J for 5th and 6th college classes (3 fall and 3 spring classes). Students must register for their fall KCC course by June 9. Failure to do so could result in being placed in alternate course at LHS.
Special Programs, Continued Michigan Virtual High School or any online course Typically used if a scheduling conflict prevents you from getting into an LHS class Must register now for classes if you would like to take a class that LHS doesn’t offer through MIVHS Registration forms available today, due March 24, 2017 in the SSC Online course readiness survey is required to be enrolled. The link is next to the course selection in Career Cruising. The link is also printed out on the registration form. Independent Research Typically used to receive advanced instruction in a course that Lakeview High School doesn’t offer Forms available today, due March 24, 20178 in the SSC. Advanced Placement (AP) Classes AP courses are difficult, college level courses and can be associated with college credit. You will not be able to change your schedule next year, so you should discuss this with teachers, parents, and your counselor before finalizing.
Career Cruising Demonstration Log In Your Log-In credentials are located on your scheduling instruction sheet Look for any special classes in which you have been enrolled. Click on the drop down box next to your name Click on “My Course Plan” Make sure courses are completely entered for next year Exactly 9 credits Make sure that alternates are completely filled in At least 3 credits/6 trimester slots Make any necessary final edits Click Submit, if possible, by March 24, 2017. If Career Cruising will not let you submit, make sure you have 9 credits and 3 credits of alternates. Please also update your e-mail, cell phone, and state of residence in Career Cruising (Go to “My Account, then “Profile”)
Last Notes, I promise Schedule changes for preference are not allowed. Take time to choose carefully. Receive a full schedule by filling in your classes and all of your alternates. Do not choose an alternate that is the same as your elective. Do not choose alternates you are not qualified for. If Skyward does not assign you with a full schedule, you will be contacted over the summer by email with options. If you do not complete all 9 credits and all alternates, you will be assigned random classes to fill your schedule. Please complete this process by March 24, 2017. You will have a junior interview this spring and will be able to review selections with your counselor. Thank You!!