New EU Forest Strategy and Update on Forest Information and Monitoring


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Presentation transcript:

New EU Forest Strategy and Update on Forest Information and Monitoring Michael Hamell – María Gafo DG Environment and DG Agriculture and Rural Development Forest Directors General Meeting Dublin, 27 March 2013

Forestry Strategy and Forest Action Plan 1998: EU Forestry Strategy 2005: Implementation of the EU Forestry Strategy 2006: Forest Action Plan (2006-2011) 2011: Launch of the review of the EU Forestry Strategy New Forest Strategy scheduled for the Spring of 2013

New EU Forest Strategy: inputs Workshops with Member States and Stakeholders Working Groups under the Standing Forestry Committee Ex-post evaluation of the Forest Action Plan

Towards a new EU Forest Strategy - Forest Strategy - A holistic view of forests and all related policies, addressing also the value chain. - Ensuring that forests play a positive socio-economic & environmental role in the EU: employment and rural development, added value products while delivering ecosystem services (…)

Towards a new EU Forest Strategy Address in a coherent framework policy areas that have implications for forests. Integrated with key EU political strategies: contribution from the sector to Europe 2020 Strategy and other 2020 and 2050 targets. Address how to influence action on forests in areas of EU competence. Strengthening the International pillar Suggesting guiding principles for ensuring coherence (i.e. sustainability criteria for different uses of forest biomass).

Headline target suggested by the WG Towards a new EU Forest Strategy Works ongoing Headline target suggested by the WG To ensure and demonstrate by 2020 that all forests in the EU are managed according to sustainable forest management principles, and thus: - contribute to balancing the different forest functions and meeting demands, delivering vital ecosystem services; - provide a basis for forestry and the whole forest-based value chain to be competitive and viable contributors to the green economy. (Ad-hoc WG of the Standing Forestry Committee contributing to the development of a new EU Forest Strategy)

WHAT: priorities and objectives Works ongoing EU commitment to SFM as defined by Forest Europe Strong and coherent framework with mechanisms to improve coordination, cooperation and communication Sustainable solutions to emerging challenges and to sustainably manage the multiple demands Focus on the 10 interrelated priorities (Proposal from the WG under the Standing Forestry Committee contributing to the development of a new EU Forest Strategy)

WHAT: the 10 interrelated priorities Works ongoing

EU Strategy on climate change adaptation Plant Health Regulation Forest protection Works ongoing Green paper on forest protection and information in the EU : Rural development funding Regional (incl. Neighbourhood) policy funding Research: Horizon 2020 EU Biodiversity Strategy In preparation: EU Strategy on climate change adaptation Plant Health Regulation EU Forest Strategy

Forest information and monitoring (1) Works ongoing An example: An increase of forest area provides little information on the condition of the forests regarding forest biodiversity, forest condition, forest damage or fragmentation does not necessarily lead to an improvement in the forest regarding forest connectivity and the potential increase of forest biodiversity is not correlated with an increase in growing stock or biomass. Unstocked forest areas contribute also to the increase in forest area overall. => we need more information to protect forests

Forest information and monitoring (2) Works ongoing Preparatory Action (1 M €) initial spatial assessment of forest area, forest spatial pattern and fragmentation, and forest biomass, in close collaboration with the national forest inventories. The European Forest Fire Information System EFFIS is planned to be complemented with a dedicated module aiming at the assessment of forest damages overall, including biotic (pests) and abiotic (wind/snow storms) damages The aim is to set up a coherent European Forest Information system

Calendar for the new EU Forest Strategy 8 June 2012 Adoption of the report from the WG under the Standing Forestry Committee 4 of July 2012 2nd Workshop with Member States and stakeholders: presentation of the final report September 2012 Opinion of the Standing Forestry Committee on the final report October 2012 –April 2013 Preparation of the Communication by the Commission services Spring 2013 Adoption of the New Strategy COM addressed to Council and Parliament 2013 Possible debate in Council and Parliament (up to Council and Parliament to decide on the follow up)

Thank you for your attention!