Welcome to 5th Grade Curriculum Night Mr. Kipp
Work/Behavior Expectations RESPECT Responsibility Accountability Effort
Homework Check agenda daily Stamp vs. Circle Friday Fun Have a quiet place to work Have a consistent time Should not be more than one hour Difficulties???
Parent/Teacher Communication Parent E-mails Teacher Webpage (rhnet.org; classroom pages; Mr. Kipp) Agendas ROAR Cards Phone Calls: Voice Mail (#1804) E-Mail (mkipp@rhnet.org)
R-H Balanced Literacy Framework Reading Writing
Writer’s Workshop 6+1 Traits of Writing Ideas Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Presentation
Types of Writing Personal Narratives Persuasive Essays DBQ Writing Reports Poetry Daily Writing
Weekly Homework Nightly reading ELA packet Writing Word study Crossword Reading
5th Grade Math Investigations, Revised Edition; Additional Resources Units of Study: Number Puzzles & Multiple Towers Prisms & Pyramids Thousands of Miles, Thousands of Seats What’s That Portion? Measuring Polygons Decimals on Grids and Number Lines How Many People? How Many Teams? Growth Patterns How Long Can You Stand on One Foot?
Math Homework Daily Practice Pages (Student Activity Book) Math Games Handouts Math Games Math Facts
Social Studies Our Major Focus: The Western Hemisphere (United States, Canada, Latin America) Geography History Government Economics
Social Studies Book Reports 5th Grade Students are required to complete 12 book reports. One book report is due at the end of each month. Students will be presented with their certificates as they earn them. Bronze: 5, Silver: 9, Gold: 12 Dr. Hyatt will present plaques and gift cards at our 5th Grade Moving-Up Ceremony.
Science Scientific Method Magnets & Motors Space/Challenger Learning Center Distance Learning Ecosystems Weather
Health Education Family Life Alcohol HIV/AIDS Physical Activity & Nutrition Tobacco/Life Skills Violence Prevention
Math/Science/Social Studies – end of unit test MAPS assessments ELA
NYS Assessments English Language Arts Math April 1 - 3 April 30 – May 2