2017 Merit Guidance
Merit Pools & Dates T&R Faculty, 3% salary pool and 0.75% bonus pool or as articulated in a school plan and approved in advance by the Provost, 12-month effective 7/25/17; 9, 10, & 11-month effective 8/25/17 University Staff, 3% pool, effective 7/10/17 PRS and A&P Faculty, 3% pool, effective 7/25/17 Classified Staff, receive 3% across the board increase effective 7/10/17. Employees must have a performance rating of “2” or higher. Classified increases will be processed centrally. Classified Staff in High Turnover jobs (as defined by State legislation), 2% increase effective 9/4/17. This increase will be processed centrally.
Recommended Matrix for Ustaff & A & P Faculty Schools/units have flexibility in adjusting approach to meet their business needs. For those who may need to adjust these increase amounts based on budget considerations or the distribution of performance ratings, a range of increase options for each rating is also provided. An optional recommended approach is to focus on both merit as well as market pay range penetration. Based on the Cabinet’s guidance, the primary consideration in determining your school/unit’s approach to merit pay should be 1) ensuring it is based on merit, and 2) ensuring managers can explain the increases provided to their staff The Lead@ planning worksheet’s Recommended Salary increase is based on 3% Merit Pool and Performance Rating as shown below: Performance Rating Recommended Salary Increase Recommended Range of Increase Effective 2.25% 1-3% Highly Effective 3.25% 2.25%-4.25% Exceptional 4.25% 3.25%-5.25%
Merit Processing for Ustaff and A&P Employees must have been onboard by December 31, 2016, in order to be eligible for an increase. In order to receive an increase, a performance evaluation must be on file. Compensation administrators will certify that current performance documentation is available for all staff receiving a merit increase. UHR will perform a post-implementation quality assurance review to ensure the presence of performance documentation. We recommend that employees at 100% or higher market penetration be paid a bonus (one-time payment) rather than a base pay increase; no suggested amount for this bonus is provided. A second level executive reviewer (i.e. Provost for Deans, EVP for most VPs), is required for total increases which exceed 3% of salary budgets or individual employee merit increases of 0% for effective or higher or >10%. Medical Center transfers are eligible for merit increases irrespective of their hire date; Increases for employees rated as a 2 (Inconsistent) require comment; Salary increase may be shared with impacted staff and A&P faculty on or after July 14 Increases other than Merit can be included In person open houses in UHR to assist as you key will be held during the two week keying window June 26-July 9
New for 2017 Since the T&R Faculty plan does allow for a potential bonus, three columns have been added into the faculty workbooks to capture these recommendations. Any faculty on Leave With Partial Pay that have hours less than 40 hours now have a new Oracle field to track their actual effort. This effort will be listed in the faculty worksheet instead of the standard hours. Corrections will be made in the field up until the Compensation Administrator responsibilities is turned off. See guidance document for instructions on correcting locked entries. Given the unfunded mandate required by the FLSA minimum in 2016, we understand that salary levels may need to be adjusted differently for individuals who did receive an increase due to the planned FLSA minimum in contrast to those who did not. We suggest that schools/units look at this closely. If the school/unit decides not to award an increase to an individual who received an increase due to the planned FLSA minimum, they should indicate this by putting “received FLSA increase” in the comment field.