The basics of research and citing
Research means… When we say “research”, we mean … The act of searching for websites, books, videos, etc. that could be useful for your paper
When you research… You should look for credible sources You should vary the search words you use You should keep track of the sources you look at
Citing means… Giving credit to the source a piece of information is from inside you essay Why this is important to know: The last page of your essay is called WORKS CITED, not WORKS LOOKED AT Only sources that you actually use information from in your essay get listed on that page
Why do we cite? To show where the information came from originally So readers can know where to find out more about the topic So readers can fact-check us
Using a source in your essay What does this mean exactly? Quote Paraphrase Summary Any way you use or borrow information from another source needs to be CITED
Using a source in your essay Quote=the exact words, use “ “ AND CITE Paraphrase=changing the words and the sentence structure but keeping the meaning. CITE Summary=using the main idea in fewer words. AND CITE
How much to quote You should not be quoting every time The quotes shouldn’t be more than a phrase or sentence long=short quotes You should use more than one source per paragraph to show that multiple sources say the same thing, not just one More sources=stronger evidence
The Works Cited page Once you know for sure that you are going to use (quote, paraphrase, summarize) something from a source in your paper, you can add it to your Works Cited page Follow the format for the style you are given Here, we work with MLA, but there are many other styles
What citing actually looks like You cite by taking the first part of the works cited page entry and placing that in parentheses after the quote, paraphrase, or summary
How would you cite info from this source? (Feinberg and Hetherington #). #=page number Websites will not have page numbers so just exclude
How would you cite info from this source? (Dunn #). #=page number Websites will not have page numbers so just exclude
How would you cite info from this source? (Argys et al. #). #=page number Websites will not have page numbers so just exclude
How would you cite info from this source? (“Developments in the Law” #). #=page number Websites will not have page numbers so just exclude
How would you cite info from this source? (“The Impact of Global Warming”). #=page number Websites will not have page numbers so just exclude
A special note (“The Impact of Global Warming”). If you mention this information already in the sentence with the quote, paraphrase, or summary, you don’t need to mention it again in the parentheses.
A word about easy bib It can help you get it about 80% correct You need to know what you’re doing to fix the little mistakes
For help Citing: Works cited: Works cited for websites: Electronic sources: