Global Warming
Global Warming vs. Greenhouse Effect Def: Increase of the Earth’s temperature due to the greenhouse effect
The Earth’s atmosphere acts like a piece of glass in a greenhouse.
Gases Responsible for Global Warming 1) Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) Major gas responsible for global warming Major sources of CO₂ are Electric utilities and transportation
2) Chloroflorocarbons (CFC’s) Major source: refrigerant , used to make Styrofoam and clean electrical circuits
3) Methane gas Major sources: Decomposition of organic matter (landfills, swamps) Cows Fracking As the earth warms and the ice melts a major fear is that the amount of methane in the atmosphere will increase due to the escape of methane that is trapped in ice.
Effects of Global Warming 1) Change in Weather Patterns
2) Shift in Biomes
Change in temperature over years Temperature change from 1880-2011
Spread of Infectious Diseases As Temperature increases, mosquitoes and other disease vectors move to more areas
Spread of Malaria
3) Melting of ice caps Break up of pack ice Increase in Sea levels
How would Florida and Louisiana be affected?
4) More severe storms (hurricanes/tornados) The number and severity of hurricanes has increased . In the U.S., hurricanes in the past 10 years have caused major damage. (Katrina)
Solutions to Global Warming 1) Stop or slow deforestation Trees absorb carbon dioxide
2) Reclaim CFC’s from refrigerators, etc
3) Turn to a renewable energy source