Classroom Management Theorist LEE CANTER
Who is Lee Canter? Lee Canter is president of Lee Canter and associates in Santa Monica, California. This was founded with his wife, Marlene, in 1976. Canter is an author and motivational speaker on how to discipline children in the home and school areas. He is presently the author of many books based on discipline.
Contributions Lee Canter has been a frequent speaker on shows such as Oprah, Good morning America, and the Today Show. Lee and Marlene used their company to market their assertive discipline program. They provided professional development training for teachers and materials that could be used for them.
Books 2009- Assertive Discipline Positive Behavior Management for Today’s classroom 2009- Classroom Management for Accelerating Achievement 2008- Parents on your side a Teacher’s guide to Creating positive relationships with parents 2008- Succeeding with difficult students workbook Grades K-12 2005- Classroom Management for Academic Success 2003- Record Book Plus 2002- Lee Canter’s teaching Responsible Behavior Curriculum Guide 2002- Assertive discipline Secondary workbook Grades 6-12 2002- Parents on your side 2nd Edition a Teacher’s Guide to creating Positive Relationships with Parents 2002- Assertive Discipline Elementary Workbook grades K-6 2001- Assertive Discipline 3rd Edition Positive Behavior Management for Today’s classroom 2001- Parents on your Side
Books continued 2001- Assertive discipline Third edition 2001- Teacher’s plan book Plus 3 Homework without tears 2001- Teacher’s Plan book Plus 2 Assertive discipline 2001- Teacher’s Plan Book plus 5 Motivating today’s learner 2001- teacher’s Plan book Plus 7 reading and Literacy A to Z 1998- First class teacher success strategies for new teachers 1996 - The High Performing Teacher Avoiding Burnout and Increasing Your Motivation
Books continued 1996 - Teaching Students to Get Along Reducing Conflict and Increasing Copperation in the Classroom 1996 - Behavior Management in the Middle School Classroom a Teacher's Guide to Meeting the Special Challenges of Early Adolescents 1983- Lee Canter’s Assertive discipline for parents
Canter’s Model of Discipline Canter's model of Discipline is Assertive Discipline
Main ideas of assertive Discipline Assertive Discipline is a structured Systematic approach designed to assist educators in running an organized classroom environment that is completely controlled by the teacher. The Canters believe that teachers need to expect nothing but compliance. It is imperative. No student should keep you from teaching and this is why teachers should act assertively.
Main ideas continued Assertive teachers give firm, clear and concise directions to students. Students who obey the rules are reinforced whereas those who do not obey the rules will receive negative consequences. Assertive teachers do not act in a sarcastic or harsh way to their students. They are demanding yet they are still supportive and respectful of their students. They treat everyone fairly.
an assertive teacher is always… rewarding reviewing encouraging describing modeling practicing
How to use Lee Canter’s asssertive discipline Decide on 4 or 5 rules that you want to implement in your classroom Determine negative consequences for students who do not obey Determine positive consequences for students who do obey Have a meeting with the students to discuss and go over the rules. Go over them throughout the year.
Continued… Have the students take the rules home, have parents sign the rules, and ask for their help. Implement the rules immediately in your classroom. Be sure to let the student know if you are not happy with their behavior but at the same time, let them know what they should be doing. Use a “positive repetitions” technique Use “proximity praise” Assertive teachers will teach children how to behave correctly by modeling and role playing.
Weaknesses Canter’s work of research to create this method has no references or citations listed Canter assumes that this method will work with all students Students are not given any choice
Strengths Develops good class control Students expectations are clearly stated Rules are also clearly stated Helps build classroom respect Positive, caring and productive learning environment
Will Canter’s model work in the real world? Yes, I do believe that this model will work in the real world.