Which factor would have the greatest effect on the flow of energy into an ecosystem? (1) a large decrease in the amount of sunlight available (2) a large increase in the number of carnivores (3) a small increase in the number of decomposers (4) a small decrease in the amount of minerals
Producer 1st Consumer 2nd Consumer 4th Consumer Autotroph ------- Herbivore Heterotroph Heterotroph Carnivore Heterotroph Carnivore
Human Depends Heterotroph Omnivore
Tyto alba—Common Barn Owl
QUIZ! Which organisms from the diagram at right are correctly paired with their nutritional roles? (1) hawk—decomposer & insect-eating bird—parasite (2) mouse—autotroph & flower seed—heterotroph (3) mountain lion—predator & bark beetle—herbivore (4) grasshopper—carnivore & grass—autotroph