COUNT ON US PRIMARY CHALLENGE 2017 Qualifying Heats : April 2017 2.45 register 3.00 start 5.30 finish Qualifying Heats : April 2017
COUNT ON US PRIMARY CHALLENGE 2017 What do you have to do? 3 rounds Shape Number Codebreaking Team and Individual tasks Table referees – not you own teachers 3 teams plus 6 highest runners up!
ROUND 1: SHAPE - TANGRAMS Task: 3 pictures 3 minutes for each Automatic change 15 points per correct picture 1 bonus picture – 20 points
ROUND 1: SHAPE - PENTOMINOES Task: 3 shape challenges 3 minutes for each Gradually more difficult Basic points and bonus points Referees record letter shapes used
ROUND 1: SHAPE - PENTOMINOES Challenge 1: 15 points Make a 5 x 5 square – using any pieces. - Referees record pieces used on scoresheet Bonus: 10 points each Make a new 5 x 5 square, using at least one new piece.
Make any rectangle – using any pieces. ROUND 1: SHAPE - PENTOMINOES Challenge 2: 15 points Make any rectangle – using any pieces. - referees record size on scoresheet Bonus: 10 points each Make different sized rectangles. (eg 5 x 6, 4 x 5 …)
Make a double sized T – very tricky ROUND 1: SHAPE - PENTOMINOES Challenge 3: 20 points Make a double sized T – very tricky Bonus: 15 points each Choose a different pentomino letter: double
ROUND 2: 24® GAME 3 rounds 5 minutes per round Be confident, fair and prepared What are the rules?
ROUND 2: 24® GAME Claiming a card Hesitations, mistakes and stuck… Place hand on card 3 seconds to begin, 15 seconds to complete Announce last step first: 8 x 3 or 12 x 2 Hesitations, mistakes and stuck… Card removed if too slow or mistake Two players can decide to pass – 3 times per round If same time, referee decides or removes card
ROUND 2: 24® GAME Scoring Moving around Count up points at end of round, record Referee checks and signs Moving around A: clockwise, B: stay put, C: anti-clockwise 1st hooter = start the round 2nd hooter = stop and score (if started claiming, can continue)
BREAK and REFRESHMENTS See you in 10 minutes!
Round 3: Code Breaking The Final Destination: Have you got what it takes to be an elite codebreaker?
Round 3: Code Breaking The Final Destination: Find the secret agent Meeting you at a famous London landmark Work out the four bridges from the clues she will leave Collect letters of the meeting place at each bridge Put the letters you collect into correct order to spell name of the final destination, where you will meet the secret agent.
Count on Us Primary Challenge: 2017 Scores, rest and results