Pathfinder Office Software


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Presentation transcript:

Pathfinder Office Software ‘Project’ is the main way in which data is organized in PFO. A directory where Pathfinder Office looks for data. There are three subdirectories in a project for organizing other kinds of files: base, export and backup. The backup subdirectory contains backup copies of field collected files. When data is downloaded from the datalogger, an extra copy of each file is placed in this subdirectory. The base subdirectory is where you should store base station files for differential correction. The export subdirectory is the default target location when GPS files are exported for use in another program. NOTE: Do not rename or delete any of the default folders in the project folder or Pathfinder Office will not open the project.

Pathfinder Office Software Interface Mouse and menu driven, like any Windows program. File: open/close/save data files, select projects, control background map display. Edit: edit data files. View: chose map or timeline view of data files, zoom, pan, set graphics display. Data: view the details of each feature/position in data files. Utilities: data transfer, differential correction, export, create data dictionary, and more. Options: set units, coordinate system and time zone. Window Help

Pathfinder Office Software Directory Structure C:\Users\username\Documents\GNSS Projects\project_name\roverfiles (corrected and uncorrected) \base (basefiles) \export (shapefiles) \backup C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Trimble\Planning Almanacs (ephemeris data), by default, are saved in this location and are named almanac.alm. Whenever you download a new almanac it will overwrite the old almanac, and that is fine. You do not need to save old almanacs.

Pathfinder Office Software File Names Rover Files (Field data): N 0326 17 a User selected prefix Month & Date Hour (GMT) File Indicator (a-z) Base Files: R 20326 17 Prefix selected by base station Year, Month & Date Hour (GMT) Extensions: .ssf: uncorrected (raw) rover file OR a base file .cor: differentially corrected rover file .ddf: data dictionary

Pathfinder Office Software File Management Implement a project file management system, including directory structure and file naming convention, before you go out in the field for the many files that may be generated. Keep all data on one machine that is regularly backed-up. Create one folder for each project or particular field season. Keep GPS data separate from GIS data. Keep separate folds for raw GPS data, interim GPS data, and final GPS data. Keep separate folders for interim GIS data and final GIS data.

Pathfinder Office Software File Management (example)

PFO Data Dictionary Editor Feb. 24, 2000 Feature Name….Bear Attribute Name….Texture Attribute Value….Soft Survey & Mapping Conf

Data Dictionary - The power of a GIS Data Capture Tool Feb. 24, 2000 Controls how location information is stored (e.g., how many positions are averaged for a point, logging interval) Allows us to collect information efficiently (as opposed to writing in a notebook or using field-sheets) Organizes information for GIS / geodatabase (essentially pre-constructs your attribute table) Enforces consistency (e.g., providing drop-down menus, radio buttons, etc.) Controls how location information is stored – points are averaged positions, areas close Collect efficiently – instead of writing in a notebook, it is recorded electronically and will be transferred directly into GIS Enforces consistency – either by providing menus This is the way Trimble does it. Trimble calls them Mapping GPS receivers – Data Dictionary Magellan calls them Mobile Mapping Solutions – Feature Library Editor CMT calls them GPS/GIS Products - Data Bank Survey & Mapping Conf

Data Dictionary - Design Considerations Feb. 24, 2000 Data Dictionary - Design Considerations Consider how to address the stated research questions List the target features and determine whether to map them as points, lines or polygons. Consider providing the option of using point or polygon if you haven’t scouted the field site ahead of time.  List the attributes for each feature class and identify their type menu (fewer errors, easily queried) free text (flexible, handles the unexpected) numeric (enumerated, range, derived) automatic value (e.g. increment, date) Link your data? Consider including common data fields, such as an ID number You don’t know what’s out there! Design to accommodate the unexpected or uncertain Big or complicated ddf are unfriendly to field crews! Use as few feature types & attributes as possible to collect the data you need. Survey & Mapping Conf

Terminology for Shapefiles Feature Classification Pathfinder Office Example ArcGIS Feature Name Veg Shapefile Name Feature Classification Point Geometry Type Attribute Name VegClass Field Name Attribute Type Menu Attribute Value Shrub Tree Other Value Here is a handy guide you can refer to throughout this class for the relationship between PFO and GIS (shape file export).

Terminology for Geodatabases Feature Classification Pathfinder Office Example ESRI Feature Name Veg Feature Class Name Feature Classification Point Geometry Attribute Name VegClass Field Name Attribute Type Menu Data Type (Text) Attribute Value Shrub Tree Other Coded Values Here is a handy guide you can refer to throughout this class for the relationship between PFO and GeoDatabases (shape file export).