ISTE Workshop Research Methods in Educational Technology IIT Bombay February 2-9, 2013
Setting Expectations
What is Educational Technology? Educational Technology (ET) aspects: Technology For Education Creation and use of technologies, such as visualizations, in the teaching-learning process. Creation and use of technology tools, such as Moodle. Technology Of Education Creation and use of strategies, such as Peer-discussion, for facilitating students' learning and engagement. The focus is more on what to do, how to use the technology effectively, rather than the technology itself.
What is Research in ET? We are ET Practitioners when we: teach students; facilitate their learning. think about improving students' learning, interest in the subject, engagement in class, ... come up with ideas for doing the above. We become ET Researchers when we: scientifically investigate the worth of our ideas. conduct systematic studies to get data about whether our ideas are working. provide evidence to support our conclusions.
being an ET Practitioner to becoming an ET Researcher This Workshop is about Going from being an ET Practitioner to becoming an ET Researcher
This workshop is NOT about This workshop is not about techniques for conducting research in core Engineering and Science topics This workshop is only about ET Research! This workshop is not about lamenting on the state of education - in the country, or at your institute, or in your class This workshop is only about how you solved the "problem" in your class!
How will we get there? from ET Practitioner to ET Researcher There are no fast-lanes, no short-cuts. We have to *DO* activities The pre-workshop assignment that you submitted is the first step in this direction. You will do many more assignments on this route! Enthusiastic and committed participation is essential. We cannot simply *listen* to 'lectures' and expect to absorb the required knowledge.
What is the Workshop duration? It is not 2-days! It began when you started working the pre-workshop assignment. It will continue today (Feb 2nd), and throughout next week, and in the next session (Feb 9th). you will have to do more activities and assignments. It will end only when you submit your post-workshop assignment.
Expectations What is expected of you? What can you expect from us? Sincerely participate in all the activities. Put in the effort required to complete the tasks. Challenge yourself to go beyond obvious ideas. What can you expect from us? Carefully designed in-class sessions and activities. Moodle based guidance throughout next week for your home assignment. later, for your post-workshop assignment. even later, for top 200 post-workshop submissions.
What you should not do DON'T: Sit passively and expect us to 'lecture'. Be lethargic to participate in the activities. Put in half-hearted effort into the assignments. Turn the activities into off-task discussions. Hinder those who are sincerely attempting to learn. Complain about your situation or your institute.
What will you get out of this workshop? Running start in doing ET research. Guidance on getting your paper accepted at IEEE conference on Technology for Education - T4E 2013 - to be held at IIT Kharagpur, Dec 2013. Additional 1-1 mentoring for top 200 completed assignments, even after the workshop, till T4E 2013 submission deadline. Top 10 will be invited to spend a week at IITB for face-to-face mentoring. TA/DA included!
Why should you write an ET research paper? You are anyway working on the "problems" arising in your class; You are coming up with solutions Why not go the extra steps required for closure! Some benefits of closure - doing a systematic study using ET research methods, and writing a paper - are: You get a publication to your name. Others could adopt your solutions. Your skill in applying the scientific method in other areas of research will also improve.
Is it mandatory to submit a paper? No. To qualify for certification, it is only mandatory to submit the pre, during and post-workshop assignments. For the top 200 of post-workshop assignments, if you are keen on completing your study, we will provide post-workshop mentoring for you to submit a paper to: T4E 2013 IEEE International Conference on Technology for Education, to be held in IIT Kharagpur, Dec 2013.
Recap: What is this workshop about This workshop is focussed on research in teaching and learning. Provides an introduction to conducting research in educational technology. Aimed at faculty who have used an innovative teaching method, or integrated technology in their teaching in an innovative manner, and are interested in conducting an educational research study around it.
Recap: Important points - Assignments There will be Moodle based assignments before, during, and after the workshop. Submission of assignments is crucial in getting benefit from the workshop. Submission of assignments is mandatory for getting a participation certificate.
Recap: Important points - Activities There will be several individual and group activities today and next Saturday. Do all activities because that is the way to go from ET Practitioner to ET Researcher. Not doing the activities will lead to boredom, insignificant learning and dissatisfaction.
First Activity! As promised, here is the first activity, to be done in pairs. Recall the pre-workshop assignment. What is your idea to address a teaching-learning issue? What will you do ? What your students will do? How do you know if your idea is working? Turn to your neighbour, describe your idea, listen to and understand neighbour's idea. Time: 10 minutes
Next Session How to convert the potential idea into a research paper? Start with: What is in an ET research paper? What are types of ET research problems?