YEAR 4 LEARNING Be smart, be cool, ALWAYS bring your Autumn Term 2017 Class 4TN Mrs Tatlow, Mrs Nayar and Miss Breakwell Class 4S Mrs Sorby and Miss Gowran Be smart, be cool, ALWAYS bring your book bag to school! Library books are changed every week. Children can change their other reading book every week too. YEAR 4 LEARNING PE Gymnastics and Football, Handball and Dance CREATIVE CURRICULUM Geography, DT and Art Around the World in 80 Days Looking at different environments Map Reading Skills ART: Arcimboldo and fruit DT: Design a fruit salad Please help your child to read, spell and understand the meaning of these key words biome, hemisphere, longitude, latitude, equator, continent, country SCIENCE *Working Scientifically Please help your child to read, spell and understand the meaning of these key words Materials, method, diagram, prediction, results, conclusion, measure, accurate, fair test States of Matter Solid, liquid, evaporation, condensation, water cycle, temperature MUSIC 4TN will learn the clarinet. 4S will learn the fife and flute. Please bring your instrument EVERY TUESDAY RE We will be having a theme week based upon Sikhism-we are hoping to visit a Gurdwara. Computing E-safety and Typing skills Branching Databases PSHE New Beginnings/Dreams and goals Being me in my world
Autumn 2017 Be smart, be cool, ALWAYS bring your book bag to school! Year 4 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2017 Welcome to Year 4 We hope you have all had a brilliant summer and we are excited about the upcoming year. Both year 4 classes are visiting Dudley Zoo on the 19th September 2017. This will be used to inspire learning about the wonders of our world, the continents and the animals which live there. HOMEWORK Hand in EVERY Tuesday, Handed out every Thursday Homework Help My Maths Don’t forget to use My Maths -NEW curriculum- Year 4 You can always use the years below to catch up or and also use the Level 3 BOOSTERS. Just remember your log in. MUSIC 4TN have the opportunity to learn the clarinet and 4S will be learning how to play the flute. The children are taught by Mrs Robert who is a music specialist. Later on in the term, the children will take home permission slips to enable them to bring their instrument home so they can practise. Children will be expected to practise for about 10 minutes 3-4 times a week PE Wednesday and Thursday Please make sure that the children have their named PE kit in school including: pumps, black or navy shorts and a plain white, blue or yellow t-shirt. As the weather turns colder, the children are able to bring an outside kit with jogging bottoms and a jumper (and trainers) Don’t forget to read at home at least 3 times a week AND take a quiz! Just make sure that you have read your AR book carefully (shorter books at least twice). Be smart, be cool, ALWAYS bring your book bag to school! Any questions, please come and see us after school. Many thanks, Mrs Nayar, Mrs Tatlow and Mrs Sorby