General information for THE students oF first years (October 2016)


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Presentation transcript:

General information for THE students oF first years (October 2016) WELCOME IN THE UNIVERSITY “FAN S. NOLI” General information for THE students oF first years (October 2016)

Process of Bologna Studies in the University “Fan S. Noli” are organized, based on the Declaration of Bologna, in three Cycle organizohen: - First Cycle, Bachelor with 180 credits; - Second Cycle, Professional Master with 90 credits, Master of Science with 120 credits; - Third Cycle, Doctoral Studies.

What is the Process of Bologna? The Bologna process is a reform within the university, which aims to match as many of the higher education systems of different countries, to reach a higher education system more transparent, open and free. Bologna process begins on 19 June 1999 from the the Bologna Declaration, signed by 29 countries, aiming as big as possible compatibility system of higher education in Europe. Albania became part of this process since 2003.

How it is done the unification? To enable the transmission and quality confrontation, from the European Community was set up a commission that drafted a joint assessment system, called “European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)”, This system enables the measurement of learning and achievements. The credit system which is in the base of this statement has in it center the workload that the student must perform to achieve the objectives of its research program.

Example If a course has 3 credits, this means that a student needs 75 hours of study to achieve positive results in it. From these he conducts 37 hours of study in the audience (during lectures, seminars, laboratory etc.) And 38 hours of individual study outside auditor (search in the library, practical work, preparation for assignments, etc.) So while grades 4 -10 express the student work quality, credits measure and indicate the amount of work performed by the student. The students, if wants to be transferred may transfer his credits to another university partner.

Resit and Re-Exams A students needs 20 Credits to pass from the first year to the second and 60 credits to pass from the Second year to the third. The student assessed residual in the exam has the right to use all the data issued in the autumn season but he cannot enter more than 7 Exams in this season .

Duration of the studies Duration of the studies for the programs of first cycle : 3 years The structure of the 3-year program: 6 semesters of each 15 are teaching weeks (without weeks of the exam season)

Schedule Workload for the students must be no more than 25 hours per week. The duration of the lesson is 60 minutes.

EVALUATION PROCESS - The student is evaluated based on his results during the subject conduction – CONTINUES EVALUATION – and his result in the FINAL EXCAM. - The report between two forms of evaluation are made known to the student from Lecturer of the subject on the first day of its conduction.

Students Portfolio A form of assessment that is extended in all Curricula is the encouragement of students' in developing the "portfolio": By having a large nature of the subjects help the student to define the steps of his development in the discipline It shows the need to change the strategy of learning in later stages. At the end of course or module, the students give the exam of it.

Responsibilities of the Lecturer At the conclusion of the subject each lecturer should communicate to students in the auditorium: - gain or not the right to enter the exam discipline (module) he conducted (module; - the result of the continuous evaluation in seminars, laboratories, essays or course works.   Evaluation criteria of the students include 30% of the continuous evaluation and 70% of final exam or to settle all liabilities at the end of semester .

Types of exams The control of knowledges can be done: a) written form exam b) oral exam form c) combined Testing theses are compiled by the head of discipline and approved by the department. During the examination process (written or oral) it is not allowed the substitution of the thesis.  

The system of Evaluation The acquisition level of the program study is evaluated with the ten grade point system. The lowest grade of passing the exam is grade five. In the written forms of Control is used even the system of point evaluation, the result of each, compulsorily is turned in grade. The conversion of the points in grades is made under this scheme: 40-50 points, grade 5; 51-60 points, grade 6; 61-70 points, grade 7; 71-80 points, grade 8; 81-90 ppoints, grade 9; and 91-100 points, grade 10.

Informing students about the results The Lecturer inform the students about the results at the end of Oral Exam or Written Exam, within 6 days from the date of its conduction. If the exam is conducted in the form of alternative answers questions, the commission announces the key answers. The students that couldn’t be informed on time for the Exam Result, will be informed in the Secretary of the Department. Each student has it’s own account where can be informed about the exam results. No. Name Surname Participation (Gain/do not gain Attendance Continuous Evaluation Final Exam Points Sum Point Grade a   1 2 3 4 (2+3) 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Information office Don’t forget the password

Honorific evaluation for the students Students that, at the end of the studies have all the grades 10 (so, have been excellent) win the “ Gold Medal with the relevant certificate. The students that have no more than 70% of the grades 10 and the other subject grades 9, win the certificate “ Excellent Student”. For the students that win “ Gold Medal “ or the certification “ Excellent Student” the ceremony is organized in the university level and the diplomas are given personally by the Rector.

Council of Students COUNCILS OF STUDENTS are organized in a faculty and Institution level COUNCIL OF STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY elected by vote of all students in the Faculty. It is composed of representatives of students from all study programs, according to the relevant faculty. You can be part of it!!

The rights of Students Student has the right: Student has the right: Use, according to relevant regulations, all possibilities and equipment provided by the university, in order to realize the curriculum and the work programmed in his scientific activity; Participate in the elections and be represented in the Faculty Council and the University Senate, in accordance with the respective regulations of these bodies; Benefit scholarship within or outside the country, when it meets the conditions set by the Council of Ministers, University Academic Senate and International Agreements or International Intercollegiate ;

The right of students To benefit special prizes administered and awarded by the University, according to criteria set by the Academic Senate; Student has the right to improve 2 grades in each academic year. The demand for grade improvement is submitted to the Dean of faculty before the Re-exams season.

Students Liabilities Violation the rules of the institution are considered all actions performed by the student when: - personality of the professors or any other employee of the university; - ethical and moral norms of society, such as copying in exams; - falsification of different official documents;   To students who perform these actions, are taken the following disciplinary measures: a) a written warning; b) exclusion from school for a year; c) expulsion from the University.

Student liabilities The student must : know in detail the rules of the university and his obligations and be aware of their implementation. implement all the rules arising from the Statute of the University, by this regulation, and any other legal or sublegal act. liquidate all the obligations set out in the curriculum and programs of disciplines. indemnify, under the applicable rules, all material values damages made by him.

Career Centre Students Career Centre is a connecting bridge between the students (job seekers) and the employers (business, public administration). It encourages the students to plan their career through trainings, forums, employment projects workshops and individual meetings with the students. Its main goal is to help students make their first professional steps. It offers: Advice Orientation Training Support

You can be part of the career Centre! Career Guidance Special meetings to: Plan the Career Writing a CV The strategies to search for a job Practice the interview Valuate the job offers Contact US: To assist you in your career planning and job search strategies, individual appointments are available for Career Coaching. More information about this service is shoën here. [shoë Career Coaching] Appointments for resume revieë, practice intervieëing, planning strategy, and evaluating job offers can be made by emailing or visiting the UCSO. Email: Address: Career Centre, 5th Floor, Faculty of Economy You can be part of the career Centre!

For any information you may need, contact these offices in your faculty. INFORMATION OFFICE FACULTY SECRETARIES You can use the material found electronically in you account in in the DIGITAL SYSTEM ESSE3, also visit the official website of the University “Fan S. Noli”