BULLY Oregon Middle School
BULLY Definition: A person who is habitually cruel or mean, especially to smaller or weaker people. Take advantage of other people; for personal gain or for fun. Picking on someone for being different, younger, smaller, etc… Most bullies are trying to make themselves feel better and powerful. Their world usually has none of these things.
Types of Bullying Social Aggression: using ones social positions to keep others “down.” Physical Aggression: Actually using physical violence [hitting, pushing, shoving, kicking, etc…] to intimidate or hurt or scare someone. Cyber-Bullying: Using the internet/computer or cell phone to intimidate, scare, terrify, embarrass, hurt, etc… Verbal Bullying: Using words to intimidate, scare, hurt, and embarrass people usually in a group setting.
Bullying…A Patterned Behavior Most bullies have a “pattern” of behavior they follow. They try to find the same type of victim, they do the same behaviors [bully behaviors] and they try to accomplish the same thing…feeling power over another person
BYSTANDER A bystander is someone who is “standing by [near]” the target being bullied. When the bystander does or says nothing to make the bully stop, they are just as guilty as the bully. The bully feeds on fear, and the more people they can make afraid, the more powerful they can feel.
Report Bullying You can report bully behavior to ANY TEACHER OR ADULT IN THE BUILDING. Also, Oregon Middle School has a Bully Team, and those teachers are also available to report these behaviors too. You should report bullying when you see it. If you are a bystander or a target, report it. The more people who report these incidents, the more likely we are to put a stop to bullying in Oregon.