TESLA Technology Collaboration KEK, 2-5 December 2014 Introduction and update since last meeting O.Napoly, CEA-Saclay TTC Chairman 02/12/2014
Hitoshi Hayano-san, KEK for chairing the meeting and the LOC. The TTC meeting is hosted in Tsukuba, by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK). Many thanks to: Hitoshi Hayano-san, KEK for chairing the meeting and the LOC. Many thanks to: his collaborators for welcoming us and organizing the meeting. 02/12/2014
TTC Members (1/2) 02/12/2014
TTC Members (2/2) TTC membership consists of 57 Institutes, from 14 countries and 2 International Organisations The TTC Web Page has been upgraded to include SRF accelerators in Europe SRF facilities at FNAL and CEA It should be completed… thanks to Katrin Lando (DESY) for her administrative support 02/12/2014
Update since the last TTC meeting in March 2014 at DESY 02/12/2014
First modules in E-XFEL Tunnel I wish everyone here as much excitment as experienced by the E-XFEL cold linac builders, and as much trouble as some ! 02/12/2014
2nd TTC Topical Workshop ‘SRF Cryomodule Clean Room Assembly’ Goal of the Workshop: collect, compare and discuss the best practices on clean room equipment and procedures from various international laboratories on the diversity of low to high beta superconducting RF cryomodules, primarily in order to circumvent cavity gradient degradation after cryomodule assembly. 02/12/2014
2nd TTC Topical Workshop ‘SRF Cryomodule Clean Room Assembly’ 70 participants, excellent atmosphere for discussions and exchanges (cf. C. Madec’s summary talk) 02/12/2014
New Developments since the last TTC meeting in March 2014 Two major findings…(of different impacts though) 1) Cryomodule production is an exhausting job ! 2) The measurement of the Higgs boson Yukawa coupling coefficients to fermions through partial decay widths: Linearity (slope = 1 in log-log scale) between fermion masses and Yukawa couplings !!!! 02/12/2014
The era of e+e- circular colliders (SPEAR, TRISTAN, PEP, PETRA, LEP) The most beautiful plot of particle physics until the LHC 02/12/2014
The era of e+e- circular colliders (SPEAR, TRISTAN, PEP, PETRA, LEP) The R ratio can be calculated in a model independent way from the basics of quantum field theory, e.g. Z resonance, except for: 1) the existence of the c and b quarks and their charge (2/3, -1/3) proof of their fractional charge 2) Some details of quarkonium states spectroscopy. 3) hadron resonances ~1 GeV Question: Will the R ratio be measured ever in man’s life beyond 205 GeV c.m. energy ? 02/12/2014
Coherent picture of the universe at small scale Higgs boson decay in 4 leptons at the LHC 02/12/2014
The LHC uses SCRF Technology derived from LEP2 SCRF at the LHC The LHC uses SCRF Technology derived from LEP2 cf E. Ciapala at TTC Beijing 8 SC cavities/beam – total 16, in 4 cryomodules at IR4 2 MV nominal per cavity, 5.5 MV/m nominal gradient Low R/Q: 44 W Variable power coupler, High Power handling 11,000 < Qext < 200,000 One klystron per cavity, rating 330 kW Main Coupler Port HOM Port Cryostat section Bare cavity 02/12/2014
Higgs Couplings Questions: The essence of any Higgs sector Consistent with the standard model of the scalar Higgs Questions: Is the Higgs boson an elementary scalar field ? or Has the Higgs boson a finer structure and the standard model is an effective theory ? 02/12/2014
My advice : the Future e+e- Microscope Let us put our talent, expertise, and energy to help particle physicists worldwide decide and build a new electron-positron collider with 250-500 GeV c.m. energy ! Linear or circular collider requires outstanding SCRF ‘linacs’ : TTC is the core expert group for technical design and economical feasibility. 02/12/2014
Photon Science: 4th generation light sources SASE – Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission Kondratenko, Saldin (1979) Bonifacio, Pellegrini, Narducci (1984) X-ray light =6x103 @ 3 GeV First principle: production of X-Ray light Electron bunch oscillation period in lab frame frame is u/c Electron bunch oscillation period in its rest frame is u/c, due to Lorentz time dilatation from rest to lab frames radiation at c/u frequency in rest frame Photon radiation frequency in lab frame is 2c/u due to the relativistic Doppler effect. 02/12/2014
4th generation light sources Origin of Microbunching electron trajectory Second principle: micro-bunching Radiation electric field has a small component parallel to electron velocity, which can accelerate or decelerate electrons undulator axis a 02/12/2014
4th generation light sources Third principle: coherent radiation (T. Shintake) Micro bunches are coherent at the X scale, they radiate as a ‘macroscopic’ charge 02/12/2014
Applied to larger and larger complex molecules: Application to Biology : bio-crystallography Courtesy M. Altarelli Applied to larger and larger complex molecules: Lysozyme (Enzyme from poultry) ? Determination of the atomic structure of the molecule! X-rays Crystal Detector Computer 02/12/2014
Limits of Synchrotron (3rd generation) for Bio-crystallography Courtesy M. Altarelli In spite of its extraordinary success, synchrotron bio-crystallography meets some limitations: Need for crystals > (10-100 µm)3 (membrane proteins?) Radiation damage limits resolution… freezing a partial remedy Crystal of Bovine Enterovirus 2 (BEV 2), 0.5 s, 108 ph/µm2 D. Axford et al., Acta Cryst D68, 592 (2012) 02/12/2014
SASE FEL short pulses Speed may be the answer! Courtesy M. Altarelli Speed may be the answer! “Diffraction before destruction” 02/12/2014
My advice : E-XFEL and LCLSII E-XFEL and LCLSII, as high duty cycle or CW 4th generation light sources, have a higher potentials (~104 pulse/s) than warm linacs. There are cross-benefits for these two projects in the fields SCRF technology: they are already collaborating. In addition: E-XFEL construction experience will profit to the ILC LCLSII construction experience will profit to FCC/CEPC TTC includes all the partners labs. 02/12/2014
Energy Global Challenge Electricity generation (TWh/year) GreenHouse Gas emissions (Gt CO2/year) 02/12/2014
Generic ADS Design The ADS accelerator belongs to the generic ‘low-beta’ proton and deuteron drivers used by pulsed machine like ESS or SPL, or Rare Isotope drivers, like FRIB or EURISOL. China and India are leading the world research and development of ADS linacs, including the SCRF linac. TTC includes all the partners labs. 02/12/2014
TTC Priorities 2011-2014 Performances Applications Economics ‘PAE’ Applications Economics of SCRF systems 02/12/2014
KEK Meeting Scientific Program Programme Committee: Eiji Kako (KEK), chair, Camille Ginsburg (FNAL), Hitoshi Hayano (KEK), Wolf-Dietrich Möller (DESY), Olivier Napoly (CEA) WG1: ‘Module Tests and Procedures’ Conveners: Elvin Harms (Fermilab), Denis Kostin (DESY) WG2: ‘Module Assembly (-post clean room)’ Conveners: Serena Barbanotti (DESY), Kay Jensch (DESY), Sang-ho Kim (ORNL) WG3: ‘High Q0’ Conveners: Gianluigi Ciovati (Jefferson Lab), Charles Reece (Jefferson Lab), Detlef Reschke (DESY) WG4: ‘Cavity Fabrication and Preparation’ Conveners: Kensei Umemori(KEK), John Mammosser (ORNL) WG5: ‘Low beta and Crab Cavities’Conveners: Conveners: Sebastien Bousson (IPN Orsay), Robert Laxdal (TRIUMF), Jiyuan Zhai(IHEP) WG6: ‘Peripheral Key Components’ Conveners: Guillaume Devanz (CEA), Akira Yamamoto (KEK) 02/12/2014
I look forward to a rich and excellent TTC Collaboration meeting 02/12/2014