ICTs for Development, Rural Advice, Agricultural Research E-Agriculture : enhances Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in rural development and food security Virtual community of practice with over 6,200 members from around the globe; recent discussion forum and policy brief on ICT and agricultural value chains ICT and Rural Enterprise panel at WSIS Forum organized by FAO, UNCTAD and ITC Preparing a new conceptual framework to enhance the impact of ICT in rural development in countries
ICTs for Development, Rural Advice, Agricultural Research Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services: Mission: to provide advocacy and leadership on pluralistic, demand-driven rural advisory services, in the context of global development agenda. Open structure: no formal membership, governed by a Steering Committee and managed by a Secretariat (Agroidea, Lindau, Switzerland). Funding: B&M Gates Foundation, EC, SDC.
ICTs for Development, Rural Advice, Agricultural Research Global Forum on Agricultural Research: serves as an open and inclusive forum for dialogue and action on strategic issues in agricultural research for development. Four main roles: Advocacy for change: Strengthen the voice and demand of society for innovative agricultural research around key development issues Institutions for the Future: Transform agricultural research, extension and education institutions to meet our future needs Inter-regional learning: New partnerships catalyzing rapid and efficient change around the world Putting knowledge to use: Empower change by overcoming the barriers to knowledge flow Global Conference of Agricultural Research for Development