Change Control Module P5 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEARNING OUTCOMES Understand the processes used to control data Understand the application of status accounting related to the change control process Understand way validation is an important aspect of change control LEARNING OUTCOMES Be able to decide what work products come under DM control Be able to apply the basic tenets of the three levels of change Presentation: Explanatory Material: Reference Material: ANSI/GEIA 859 – Section 5 Control Data, Data Products, Data Views, and Metadata Using Approved Change Control Processes
DM imposes a change management process on data! Control the Integrity of Data, Data Elements, Data Structures, and Data Views Customer requirements drive the application of the change process, that is, at the program level the process is tailored. Establish a Change Control Process that Imposes the Appropriate Level of Review and Approval Provide a Systematic Review of Proposed Changes within the Change Process Determine the Impact of Change to Include Associated Products, Data, Data Elements, Data Structures, and Data Views Gain Approval or Disapproval of Changes to Data, Data Elements, Data Structures, and Data Views (Data Products) by a Designated Approval Authority Link to “A” on Slide 7 Presentation: Explanatory Material: DM ensures that data products satisfy requirements. Doing so requires that the integrity of the data products and associated data elements is maintained using a consistent change control process and that changes are approved by an authorized approval authority. Control of data within a project is as important as control of the product’s design. In fact, accurate, controlled data is an essential requirement for control of the product design. A significant benefit accrued in applying CM techniques to DM is in the management and control of data through providing a process for determining the impact of change. After completing the processes for conducting reviews of changes, the process for determining change disposition follows logically. The formality of this process (e.g., a structured CCB or a single person authority) is dependent on the size, scope, and contractual requirements placed on the DM process. Reference Material: ANSI/GEIA 859 – Section 5 Control Data, Data Products, Data Views, and Metadata Using Approved Change Control Processes Link to “B” on Slide 7 DM imposes a change management process on data!
High-Level DM Change Control Process Presentation: Explanatory Material: The configuration change control process begins with the preparation of a request for change. The form and format of this request, usually a formalized document that exists either on paper or electronically, is dependent on the project. Although this is not strictly governed by the configuration management requirements for the project, it may be advantageous to implement a format that is similar to the project’s CM request for change. The formality of the process depends on the requirements of the project. After recording receipt of the request for change, an administrative review of the request for change and associated supporting documentation (making up the request for change package) may be required to determine if the request for change is acceptable for processing. This review provides the information needed by the change authority to make a reasonable, economic, and informed decision about the disposition of the change (approve, disapprove, defer, or return the change for rework). Reference Material: ANSI/GEIA 859 – Section 5 Control Data, Data Products, Data Views, and Metadata Using Approved Change Control Processes
DM enables the establishment of a status accounting mechanism! Establish and Maintain a Status Accounting Process, Reporting Tool, and Mechanism Unique Identification Change Information Process Tracking Status Accounting Mechanism Presentation: Graphic of the listed bullets, and how they all work together? Perhaps a circular graph showing that these are all connected, or even a pie chart for Change and then showing each of these are a part of change, and necessary in order to have effective change control? The slices of the pie chart can be active so that users can click on them and get more information. Explanatory Material: A unique change control number is assigned to each request for change and entered into a change status accounting tracking system. The tracking system should include, as a minimum and as applicable, the date of request for change, request for change control number, priority, classification (if required), originator, request for change title, affected data items, date of receipt by the change authority, CCB meeting date (if there is no CCB, the disposition date), request for change status (approval, disapproval, deferral). In addition to tracking change history, data sources and other project-related information should be accounted for and tracked. Reference Material: ANSI/GEIA 859 – Section 5.2 Establish and Maintain a Status Accounting Process, Accounting Tool, and Mechanism (page 44) ANSI/GEIA 649 – Section 5.4 Status Accounting (page 39) DM enables the establishment of a status accounting mechanism!
DM is an essential player in the validation of data! Establish and Maintain an Internal Validation Mechanism Validate the integrity (completeness and uniqueness) of the data stored in a repository Assess the value of the data Self-validation takes advantage of data management expertise Presentation: Graphics representing: repository validation (Auditing) Explanatory Material: Several key validations are required within the DM process. These relate to the status accounting process itself, the data stored in a repository (if used), and the data contained in the change status accounting database. If a repository is available for a project to store significant data, the integrity of that data needs to be maintained. A self-validation can assess the completeness and uniqueness of the data items within the repository, adequacy of metadata, and similar essential characteristics. The validation should also ensure that each data item is worthy of storage and retrieval. Validations are a convenient time to reassess the continued value of data and to dispose of or archive it if appropriate. The validation can also examine the adequacy of protections for intellectual property. Reference Material: ANSI/GEIA 859 – 5.3 Establish and Maintain an Internal Validation Mechanism (page 49) 7.0 Retain Data Commensurate with Value DM is an essential player in the validation of data!
Quiz Questions – P5 Which of the following is a true statement: Control the Integrity of Data, Data Elements, Data Structures, and Data Views Which of the following is a true statement: a. DM ensures that data products satisfy requirements. b. Accurate, controlled data is not an essential requirement for control of the product design. Establish and Maintain a Status Accounting Process, Reporting Tool, and Mechanism The tracking system should include: a. The date of request for change, b. Request for change control number, c. Priority, classification (if required). d. All of the above.
Quiz Questions – P5 Establish and Maintain an Internal Validation Mechanism A self-validation can assess the completeness and uniqueness of the data items within the repository True or False Which of the following is a true statement: a. The validation can not examine the adequacy of protections for intellectual property. b. Validations are a convenient time to reassess the continued value of data. c. Validations do not play a significant role in the DM process.
Links Link A - Tailoring is the process that starts with the DM principles and modifies them to agree with customer specified requirements. Link B – From Module 4: Not all data is delivered as a data product though; if anything, the trend is away from delivery and toward access as needed. When access is provided for, an authorized user can retrieve data that has been grouped or organized to meet specific needs—what is referred to in this standard as a “data view.” Presentation: Explanatory Material: A unique change control number is assigned to each request for change and entered into a change status accounting tracking system. The tracking system should include, as a minimum and as applicable, the date of request for change, request for change control number, priority, classification (if required), originator, request for change title, affected data items, date of receipt by the change authority, CCB meeting date (if there is no CCB, the disposition date), request for change status (approval, disapproval, deferral). In addition to tracking change history, data sources and other project-related information should be accounted for and tracked. Reference Material: ANSI/GEIA 859 – Principle 5