Lab 6: Measuring CEC Use soils from last week to – > extract exchangeable cations > measure basic cations by AA spectroscopy > measure acid cations by titration > calculation CEC, % BS for your soil > convert from meq/100g to lbs/acre
Procedure: Weigh 3.0 g soil into 50 mL centrifuge tube 2. Pump in 35 mL NaCl extracting solution 3. Shake for 20 minutes to displace exchangeable cations from colloid surface into solution…
Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Ion Exchange by Mass Action Added Na soln … Mg+2 Ca+2 K+ Al+3 Displaced cations
Measurement of exchangeable cations: 1. Centrifuge, filter to separate clear solution. 2. Fill glass vial about ½ full of solution for AA analysis. 3. Measure remaining solution using grad cylinder—record this number, this will be your “volume titrated”. Pour back into Erlenmeyer flask.
Titration of exchangeable acids: To Erlenmeyer flask: add stir bar and 3-4 drops phenolpthalein indicator , turn on stirrer to slow speed. Add NaOH from burette SLOWLY (drop by drop) until solution stays pink for 20-30 seconds. Record volume base used from burette. At endpoint: pH is near neutral, and AMT BASE ADDED = AMT ACID PRESENT NB x VB = NA x VA
Titration calculations: NB x VB = NA x VA NB: conc of base: 0.005 N (eq/L = meq/mL) VB: volume of base (mL, burette) VA: volume of acid (“mLs titrated”) NA: conc of acid: UNKNOWN… meq acid/mL
Conc (solution) Conc (soil) We used 35 mL of NaCl solution to extract 3 g soil to get cations into solution…. Meq acid x 35 mL soln x 100 = meq acid mL soln 3 g soil 100 100 g soil Same for basic cations by AA: Meq Ca x 0.035 L soln x 100 = meq Ca L soln 3 g soil 100 100 g soil
CEC of soil = cations (in meq/100 g): Ca + Mg + K + acidity (H+Al) Mg and K: written on board (meq/L)….. % base saturation (BS) = bases (Ca+Mg+K)/CEC Convert meq/100 g into lbs/acre-furrow slice….
CEC calculations: meq/100 g to lbs/acre Assume a soil has 2 meq K+/100 g: how many lbs/acre? (“acre” = acre-furrow slice= 2x106 lbs) Note: Atomic mass of K=39 g/mole, and 1mol=1equiv (K+1) So-- Now: “mg/kg” is PPM = parts per million… and LBs/AFS = lbs/2x106 lbs, which is “parts per 2 million”…. SO: 780 ppm K x 2 = 1560 lbs K/acre