Six Types of Context Clues for Reading Comprehension
Duplicity is defined as deceitfulness. What is a context clue? A context clue is a word or phrase near an unknown word that helps the reader understand its meaning. Duplicity is defined as deceitfulness. Let’s look at this word through the lens of six commonly used context clues.
Definition Locate the Context Clue A phrase that gives the reader a definition of the unknown word in the sentence. Example: The worst quality a person can have is duplicity, a deceptive nature. Locate the Context Clue
Locate the Context Clue Synonym The sentence uses a similar word to help explain the meaning of the vocabulary word. Example: The baseball coach punished the team's duplicity or deceitfulness after they admitted to using steroids to boost their batting averages. Locate the Context Clue
Antonym Locate the Context Clue The sentence uses a word with an opposite definition to give the meaning of the vocabulary word. Example: Instead of duplicity, everyone should practice honesty. Locate the Context Clue
Locate the Context Clue Compare or Constrast Comparisons given that help readers infer the meaning of unknown words. Example: Liz isn’t bothered by her friend’s duplicity, but I like my friends to be honest. Locate the Context Clue
Locate the Context Clue Example are Examples are used to help the reader infer the meaning of the vocabulary word. Example: I was aghast at her duplicity when she stole my diamond earrings, sold them on eBay and lied to me about it the whole time. Locate the Context Clue
Locate the Context Clue Cause and Effect An effect is shown that helps readers infer the meaning of unknown words. Example: Because of Jill’s duplicity, I never give her sensitive information, such as passwords or account numbers. Locate the Context Clue