To understand the importance of learning chemistry To define chemistry Objectives To understand the importance of learning chemistry To define chemistry
A. The Importance of Learning Chemistry Chemistry is important to everyone because chemistry occurs all around us in our daily lives. Chemistry “looks inside” ordinary objects to study how their components behave. Chemists develop new materials. Chemistry can produce new sources of energy. Chemistry can help to control diseases. Chemistry is common to ALL subjects-Stump the Chump! Chemistry is Everything Everywhere!
A. The Importance of Learning Chemistry Chemistry is… Dodge Neon Chevy Cobalt Saturn Electric Lithium Ion Dodge Nitro Ion TV?
B. What Is Chemistry? Chemistry is the study of matter. Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass. Chemistry is the science that deals with the materials of the universe and the changes that these materials undergo. The goal of chemistry is to connect the macroscopic world you live in to the microscopic world that makes it all work. Pick an object… CFC’s and Ozone
To understand the importance of learning chemistry To define chemistry Objectives Review To understand the importance of learning chemistry To define chemistry
To understand scientific thinking To illustrate scientific thinking Objectives To understand scientific thinking To illustrate scientific thinking To describe the method scientists use to study nature
A. Solving Everyday Problems Scientific thinking helps us solve all types of problems we confront in our lives. Scientific thinking involves observations defining a problem construction of explanations evaluation of possible explanations or solutions to the problem
B. Using Scientific Thinking to Solve a Problem
B. Using Scientific Thinking to Solve a Problem
B. Using Scientific Thinking to Solve a Problem
C. The Scientific Method The scientific method is a procedure for processing the information that flows from the world around us in which we: Make observations Formulate hypotheses Perform experiments
C. The Scientific Method
C. The Scientific Method Observations Are Not Theories An observation can be witnessed and recorded. (5 senses) A hypothesis is an interpretation – a possible explanation of why something happens. A hypothesis gets stronger with more supporting evidence through experimentation. When a hypothesis gets strong enough, it is elevated to a theory. In laymen’s terms…common usage…
C. The Scientific Method Theories Do Not Become Laws A natural law is a summary of observed behavior. Experimentation occurs on a limited basis. A theory (hypothesis) is our attempt to explain why it happens. Compare Theory vs Law (Big Bang vs Gravity) Observe Hypothesize Test Supported Hypothesis becomes Theory Use Theory to predict the future!! Think Tube
Applying the Scientific Method You own a grocery store and the fruit does not stay fresh as long as it should. Your car has been stalling when it idles, such as at traffic lights. The flowers in your garden are turning yellow, even though you give them plenty of water. Create your own scenario… Make an appropriate: Observation (5 senses) Hypothesis Experiment Conclusion
To understand scientific thinking To illustrate scientific thinking Objectives Review To understand scientific thinking To illustrate scientific thinking To describe the method scientists use to study nature
To develop successful strategies for learning chemistry Objectives To develop successful strategies for learning chemistry To become more familiar with class organization and resources.
A. Strategies for Learning Chemistry Learn the vocabulary Understand the fundamental ideas Use trial and error to solve problems (Scientific Method) Reiterative process-Doesn’t always happen on the first try…. Practice, practice, practice!
A. Strategies for Learning Chemistry
Objectives for class To learn how to problem solve using a variety of techniques. See neat demos. Do experiments with fire. Improve your fashion awareness. (goggles and apron) Improve your lab techniques. Improve your ability to think scientifically For Sale 2002 Ford $7K
Metric Conversions Kilo (k) 1000 Hecto (h) 100 Deka (da) 10 Base Unit (m,g,L,s,K) Deci (d) 0.1 Centi (c) 0.01 Milli (m) 0.001 Quantity contains a UNIT and a NUMBER Divide by 10 for each step up Multiply by 10 for each step down
Metric Conversions Divide by 10 for each step up
Metric Conversions Divide by 10 for each step up
Metric Conversions Divide by 10 for each step up
Metric Conversions Divide by 10 for each step up
To develop successful strategies for learning chemistry Objectives Review To develop successful strategies for learning chemistry To become more familiar with class organization and resources.
Words of wisdom? We must accept nothing as true. We enter with a questioning mind. We neither believe nor disbelieve- we are neutral. We want to be shown. Descartes Cogito, ergo sum. I think, therefore I am. Descartes Comfort is knowing to doubt and question. You cant question the world around you if you don’t know how. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Is all we see or seem, But a dream within a dream?- Edgar Allen Poe Light the candle and let it show you the way. Francis Bacon
Chapter 1Test Study Guide Misc Lab Safety Agreement- Print and Sign Lab Experiment Instructions- Read over Test Review Sheet- Study Practice Q’s as Practice Test Chapter 1Test Study Guide