Homework Spring 1 Penguins and Zebras Maths Using your measuring skills make a cake with an adult! You are in charge of the weighing and measuring. English Can you write an acrostic poem about the rainforest? Science Can you create a rainforest in a jar? Looking at the environment and the layers of the rainforest create a micro-climate in a jar! PSHE Can you investigate deforestation and think about ways to help our environment? Think of yourself as a Rainforest Ranger looking after our world. Art Can you create a collage of animals and plants you would find in the rainforest? ICT Can you create a PowerPoint presentation on the computer with the help of an adult? It could be about your favourite rainforest animal. Then print off the slides or email you PowerPoint across. Geography Where are the rainforests found in the world? Create a map to illustrate your findings. Homework Spring 1 Penguins and Zebras