4 Concepts of Communication Sender: Initiates communication (encoding) Channel: HOW is he/she communicating. Receiver: Receives/Interprets/Processes communication (decoding) Feedback: Response to communication/message
Clear Communication
Verbal vs. Nonverbal Communication Verbal 1. Oral: Talking, dialogue, discussion 2. Visual: Signs, maps, graphics, etc 3. Written: Letters, memos, notes, etc 4. Electronic: e-mails, texts, fax, etc.
Verbal vs. Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal: Using the body to communicate 4 Main Cues 1. Face 2. Eyes 3. Body 4. Voice Also: clothes, colors, odors, time, space
Other Forms of Communication Interpersonal Communication vs. Intrapersonal Communication Mass Communication/Telecommunication
Communication Channels -The ways that we can communicate. ***What are all the ways that we can communicate with others?
Communication Styles Passive/Avoidant Aggressive/Controlling Assertive/Problem Solving
Passive/Avoidant -Don’t share opinions -Indecisive -Avoid Conflict -Flight not fight
Aggressive/Controlling -Give opinion, don’t listen to others -Control convo, get their way -Aggressive body position -”In your face”
Assertive/Problem Solving -Know what they want, stand up for beliefs -Willing to listen to others -Inviting posture -No fight or flight. Solution
Four Types 1. Non-Listener: preoccupied with own personal thoughts 2. Passive Listener: hear, but don’t fully absorb/understand 3. Listeners: hear, with intent, but don’t grasp everything 4. Active Listener: Completely focused on speaker, process and understand message
Communication Styles Quiz
Hearing vs. Listening What’s the difference?
Hearing -PHYSICAL measurement and processing of sound waves. -Occurs without choice or consent. -ONLY hearing can lead to missed understandings/opportunities, resentment.
Listening -Paying attention with intent to understand. -Goes far beyond natural hearing process.
“I”-Statements **Accepting responsibility for your feelings** Personal opinions can sound like facts if not handled correctly. “You Statements” overgeneralize and cause conflict
Creating “I”- Statements 3 Parts 1. Emotion: “I feel…” 2. Behavior: “When you…” 3. Why: “Because…”
Benefits Avoids blaming others for your emotions. 2. Accurate/less hostile way to express emotion. 3. Appropriately inform someone about the effects of their behavior. 4. Less likely to make other person feel put-down, guilty, and/or resentful.
Conflict Management -Effective Communication is the key to dealing constructively with conflicts. -Knowing the basic steps of conflict management are essential to successful relationships.
Conflict Management Strategies Establish ground rules. Avoid blaming, judging, or accusing. -use “I” messages. LISTEN!!!
Conflict Management Strategies 4. Remain focused on conflict. -Don’t get sidetracked 5. Respect other’s opinions and values. 6. Consider ALL possible solutions.