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The booking process Justin We have had 100s of thousands of transactions go through our booking process.
The booking process Choose the service Co-branded with Publisher Allows consumer to book in-context Business Information Street address and map of the business Service Menu Customized by you with unique services Justin
Choose the date and time The booking process Choose the date and time Calendar Calendar synced with your hours of operation Justin
The booking process Add contact information Optimized Checkout Easy to use, high converting form Justin
And you’ll receive an email or text message The booking process And you’ll receive an email or text message Justin Smartphones are such a huge part of today’s world. With our service you now give all those people the ability to book with you through an easy 3 click form. It is up to the business to decide if they want to accept or decline the appointment requests we send them. They are not committed to anything and no one will show up expecting business unless they confirm with the customer. Business owners will still have the ability to speak with each client when they confirm the appointment and can get any further details necessary
Facts & Figures
Consumers are more likely to interact with organic search results 68.95% of clicks are on top organic results or rich data, while 6.89% are on a top placed ad. Justin This was a third party platform test that we ran with 200 recipients. As you can see most people gravitated to the action button right way. As you can see the ability to take action is highly desirable option! 2016 data insert here
Why do businesses need to be bookable from search? 80% of consumers search for local businesses and 30% want to book a service. 44% of transactions happen after hours. 25% of millennials will only book online. Justin Conveinence is king! 80% of people online are looking for a service, 30% of those people are looking to make an appointment right then and there. This is a great opportunity to stand out from your competitors.
Bookable 24/7 No matter the industry if someone is working, whether it be a plumber, electrician or handyman in the middle of a job or a hair stylist in the middle of a color, chances are they can’t answer their phone. With Bookable they can reply via text or email when they get the opportunity. Justin
Vertical that will benefit… Professional Services Home Services Health, Wellness and Beauty Financial Services Justin Transactions from $5 to thousands of dollars
Health & Beauty Talking points The ability to have up to 6* people notified of a new customer alert is key. Most salons rotate schedules—this way they can make sure they never miss a customer. The preferred stylist option is great for returning customers. Stylists do not want their existing clients going to someone else. 42% of appointment requests are made after hours, when the salon is closed. Pingup Bookable is a great service that enables a customer to submit a request after hours, when the business owner is not available to answer phone calls. Justin *Up to three different email addresses and/or three different mobile numbers (for SMS) Listings
Home Services Talking points Most Home Service professionals work long hours and often have their hands full. This makes it difficult for them to answer a call from a potential client. With Pingup Bookable, they will receive an alert through text or email that they can answer when they have the time. A lot of lead generation companies push the same lead to multiple merchants, charging a monthly rate plus a per lead fee. What’s worse, the merchants are not guaranteed the job. Pingup Bookable provides the actual customer and job needed. The customer is theirs to win! Justin Listings
Home Services Talking points Most Home Service professionals do not have any form of online booking services and tend to use pen and paper before speaking with us. We do not lock them into a long term contract and our rates are extremely low. The low monthly investment pays for itself when you consider one customer would easy make them $250+. The service menu is a great place for them to showcase to potential customers all the types of services they offer. Most of the time an electrician will also do general handyman work and they can list those as well. Justin Listings
Or professional service talking points Accountants Or professional service talking points In the instance they have one new customer request an appointment, One customer could cover the fee of using Pingup Bookable, ROI immediately. Tax Season is the hottest season to sell Pingup Bookable. No long term contract means that there’s no large financial obligation tied to growing the business during the busy season. Bookable service menu is easy to manage, businesses can showcase seasonal services such as taxes, audits, amended taxes, and remove them when the season is over. Justin Listings
The Offer $25 per month Month to month option gives you the ability to try out the product with no long term obligation. Janessa
? Question Can the booking page show prices for the different services? Answer Yes! The booking page can include the name of the service and price, which is optional.
? Question What does the booking process look like on mobile? Answer It looks great! All the pages are beautifully designed and have been optimized for mobile. See for yourself!
? Question Who are some ideal businesses for PingUp Bookable? Answer Service based businesses, where the person performing the work needs to personally confirm the appointment. Like a plumber who owns his own business, needs to drive from one location to the next, and can often need to spend longer at a site. Pet services (groomers), delivery companies, etc.
? Question How many people at the business can receive the appointment request notification? Answer Up to three different email addresses and/or three different mobile numbers (for SMS).
? Question Does Pingup provide dedicated technical support? Answer Yes! Chat via: Call: (617)793-2060. Pingup has a dedicated customer success team whose sole purpose is to not only make sure a business is bookable but truly successful!
Next steps... Was this helpful? 1 ¯¯¯ Go into Marketplace and enable Pingup Bookable! 2 ¯¯¯ Build it into a package (as a standalone or bundle) for your Store. 3 ¯¯¯ Contact your Partner Success Manager if you have any questions.
Justin Taylor Vice-President of Sales THANK YOU! Aug 9 Justin Taylor Vice-President of Sales Amy - Stephon, thank you for being on with us! Your insights were invaluable.
Thank you! Janessa Yeomans Demand Management, Marketplace