Italian internal migration
The italian’s emigration phenomenon began in the 19 century There were four major migrations flows: 1- between 1876 and 1900 2- between 1900 and 1920 3 - between 1950 and 1970 4- between 1997-2008 In the first wave most migrant was northern italians, then also began to travel the southern. Initially the destination was the USA,but after the end of World War II began the third flows where the destination of many southern Italians became north italy
The southern farmers were protagonist in internal emigration , they travelled to “ industrial triangle” (Milan-Turin-Genoa). The causes were: -poverty -desire for a better life -jobslessness They were recruited by big industries like Fiat,Montecatini, Edison because they needed the low-cost labor.
The southern migrants, regardless of where they came from, were called “napule”.
They were considered dirty, uncivilized, ignorant intollerant to work by their compatriots. Their adaptation was very difficult for many causes: -different climate -ignorance of the language(they only speak their own dialect) -difficulty finding a home -nostalgia
immigrants initially travel alone, only then came the rest of the family. They went to live on basements, attics, derelict buildings in inhumane conditions in fact in every room lived 5 or more people. In these houses there is only one toilet and one sink for 40-50 people
Immigration in the industrial cities From 1946 to now about six million Italians emigrated, while others in the same year 17,000,000 of Italians moved into the industrial cities of the Centre-North because they could secure jobs in their fabric.
Typical is the case of Turin, where Fiat assumed much of the southern labor
The woman For economic necessity, women enter in the labor market not only in the tertiary sector, but also in factories.
Over 50% of Southerners who migrated to Turin, are of southern origin and are mostly young. Place of origin of the southern
Acclimatization: The family reunions and intermarriage provoke the passage from an transit immigration, temporary and of an economic, to stabilization. So many young people who prefer to stay in the north and are now considered of the north, leave their own traditions of the origin’s place.