INTRODUCTION The word of God is the foundation for a successful Christian life. We are commanded to meditate on it day and night. We should desire to know the word of God so that we can know more of God and grow to maturity. The daily study of the word and understanding will put at your disposal the distilled wisdom of the ages.
THE BIBLE Authors were human beings, but God directed the production in such a way that it is totally free from error That’s the meaning of the term “Inspired”
It has 2 Parts; The Old Testament (OT) which shows the sinfulness of mankind and the need for a Saviour; It predicts the coming of the Messiah, the redeemer.
The New Testament (NT) – Tells of the entrance of God into the world in the person of Jesus Christ (Messiah). His provision of salvation by his substitutionary death on the cross, His resurrection from the dead. It also predicts his second coming and gives us a picture of eternity.
IMPORTANCE OF FEEDING ON THE WORD It helps you discover God’s plan for your life. (John 5:39) It helps you to become a discipline Christian. (2Tim. 3:16-17) It makes you know your inheritance as a believer. (Acts 20:32) It gives you hope and encouragement. (Rom.15:4)
STYLES OF FEEDING Hearing the word (Rom.10:17) Reading the word (ITim.4:13) Studying the word (Acts.17:11) Meditating on the word (Jos 1:3) Memorizing the word (Psa.119:11) Applying the word (Heb.5:14)
QUIET TIME TEXT: Luke 6:13; Matt 14:23; Isaiah 30:15 Believers are God’s workmanship. We must learn to form a quiet time disposition for the presence and power of God to have a free flow into and through our lives.
WHAT IS QUIET TIME? Quiet time does not necessarily mean you have to be quiet. It is a regular time spent with God for personal devotion, worship, study and prayers. It is a very important aspect of a Christian’s walk with God..
For above Christian duties, a child of God needs to enjoy moments in God’s presence. Jesus is our example (Mk.1:35, Lk.5:16). Jesus often takes time out to stay alone with God
WHAT IS THE CONTENT? Matt.6 - The Lord’s Prayer Adorations and worship Praying for God’s purpose on earth Praying for one’s need Praying for sins to be forgiven and for others Praying for guidance and protection
WHAT TIME OF DAY AND HOW LONG? (Psalm 63:1-7, Rom.8:34) Though it is advantageous to start the day by observing the quiet time in the morning, many Christians have found other periods practical and more convenient. Find the best time; Quality of time is more important than quantity
IMPORTANCE It helps us to grow in our knowledge and understanding of God and his word. It is our expulsion of our love and commitment to God and his ways. During our quiet time. We can receive direction and guidance from God especially for that day.
CONCLUSION By observing quiet time regularly the believer train’s his spirit to: Hear God – in his spirit and through God’s word. Find studies through God’s wisdom to lives challenges Develop an intimacy with God and Holy Spirit
In these days of fast cars, fast food, we still need to spend time in God’s presence because as our text suggest, our ‘strength’ to live an exemplary life in an unbelieving world is gathered in the presence of God, who has called us to a life of purpose.
CONSEQUENCES OF NOT FEEDING ON THE WORD You’ll soon become spiritually anemic. Spiritually anemic Christians live in constant defeat because they refuse to feed on the essential nutrients contained in the word of God. If your spiritual and physical eating habits were the same as your spiritual ones, what kind of shape would you be in?