The evolution and revolution of Primary Medical Care
The essence of General Practice Hinckley and Bosworth: 121,783 North West Leicestershire: 99,611 North Charnwood: 76,991 South Charnwood: 75,792 48 practices covering a population of 370,000 Average funding Deliver high quality care – local and national benchmarks Urban and rural population General Practice has been around since the NHS started Individual business units – “corner shop” Based on a patient registered list – av 7000 Practice Team – GPs practice managers, practice nurses, admin staff National cor contract 16/17 = £76.44 per head 48 practices covering a population of 370,000 Average funding Deliver high quality care – local and national benchmarks Urban and rural population
But …..General Practice is under pressure Ageing Population Care homes Housing developments Increasing demand Financial situation Long Term Conditions Premises Practice workforce Ageing The population is projected to grow by 10% over the next eight years, with 60-84s growing by 19% and the over 85s growing by 42%. This will bring associated increases in complex and multiple long-term conditions (LTCs) such as dementia, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s, often compounded by frailty. Care homes In West Leicestershire there are currently 22 nursing homes; 77 residential homes; 2 combined nursing /residential homes and 3 learning disability homes. Together they provide care to over 1500 people. Housing developments An estimated 3,500-4,500 new homes per annum for 2006-2031 Increasing demand The CCG has lower than typical admissions and prescribing rates, but is nonetheless facing pressures of rising demand and increasing cost. Long term conditions High numbers of smokers, alcohol related and obesity contribute to our higher rates of cancer Financial situation Faces a 21% funding gap between income and expenditure by 2018/19 Practice Workforce Of a total practice workforce of 970, 250 (26%) are aged 55 or over Premises More than two thirds believe their premises limit the GP services and community services they can provide.
What we want to achieve in the future Increase the proportion of care provided in local communities and people’s own homes, reduce the care currently provided in an acute hospital Reduce inequalities in care both physical and mental Increase the number of people reporting a positive experience of care Optimise the opportunities for integrating services Achieve financial sustainability Develop our workforce and develop new capacity and capabilities
Our model
The revolution has started Our ambition- that our emerging federations provide the opportunity for general practice to be delivered at population scale providing many of the tests, investigations, minor injuries and minor surgery currently only provided within the hospital setting. North Charnwood GP Community Network Ltd Dr Anu Rao Hinckley and Bosworth Medical Alliance Dr Will Priestman North West Leicestershire GP Ltd Dr Kirk Moore & Dr Nick Rushman South Charnwood GP Network Ltd Dr Trishal Darji
New innovative ways of working North West Leicestershire GP Federation – where GPs are working innovatively for the benefit of patients and to support primary care Consistency of care for all patients in North West Leicestershire Reducing unnecessary trips to hospital and the amount of travel and stress for patients Patients to benefit from swifter treatment Significant NHS cost savings will be made
Consistency of care in action One computer system for all Federation practices Easy access to all patient notes Joint orthopaedic injections pilot service Patients can now benefit from the same treatment Reduction in hospital trips and patients seen between 1-2 weeks. 25% cost saving to NHS Dermatology pilot service Patients seen within a week Reducing the need to travel to hospital Gynaecology pilot service Reducing the need to visit family clinics or hospital Treatment within 2 weeks, compare with up to 8 week hospital waits Time and cost savings for local NHS
Value of the GP Federation to patients Similar patient offer in practices Treatment near to home Shorter waiting time Lower cost
Giving patients a voice to improve care Locality PPGs working together with GP Federations All PPGs are invited to send a representative Act as patient voice to the GP Federations Locality rep could be on GP Federations pilot test bed or board
Patient involvement in pilot test bed Providing a patient perspective and a patient voice Well run, with can do culture Benefits - Equal patient access to services - Less patient travel - Lower waiting time - Reduced costs
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