Science & Technology for Understanding Risk Formerly the Canadian Hazus User Group February 14, 2018
Welcome! We will begin shortly. Feel free to introduce yourself, then please put your phone on mute so that the facilitator and speaker can be heard. Some tips for Webex interaction: Use the chat window to interact throughout the session. Send messages to all participants or specific individuals. Participate actively. Take your phone off mute and contribute! Do NOT put the line on hold Have fun! *6 Mute your line, so participants cannot hear you. Repeat to cancel your request *7 Unmute your line, so that participants can hear you.
Introduction The Network for Science & Technology for Understanding Risk is the latest incarnation of the Canadian Hazus User Group. The network is facilitated by Natural Resources Canada’s National-Scale Geohazard Risk Project of the Public Safety Geoscience Program. The project undertakes research into tools and methods to support risk assessment that lead to actionable strategies for risk reduction in Canada. This network’s goal is to share knowledge on natural hazard risk assessment in Canada. Today’s meeting will be facilitated by Malaika Ulmi ( The meeting materials are posted on
Agenda Resources, news and events in natural hazard risk and resilience Roundtable Presentation: Setting up Understanding Risk System to Serve Building a Resilient Future – Sahar Safaie Questions Discussion: Canadian Science and Technology for Understanding Risk Network future
Resources Global best practices:, UN ISDR, and (2017 UNISDR report on national disaster risk assessments: Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction: Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities initiative: Canadian Risk and Hazards Network: HazNet, the magazine of the Canadian Risks and Hazards Network: Resilient America (NASEM): Hazus resources:
Resources Catrisktools, a global directory of risk assessment tools, searchable by hazard, country and license type: World Bank E-learning: Understanding Risk World Bank Building Regulation for Resilience publication ( -regulation-for-resilience-managing-risks-for-safer-cities) and summary video ( resilience) Librarian’s Disaster Planning and Community Resiliency Guidebook and Workbook:
Resources Global Earthquake Model Foundation: Open source data and tools for earthquake hazard and risk assessment Canada now a member, bringing access and support to GEM products Stay tuned for training and engagement opportunities
Resources National Institute of Building Sciences report on cost savings of mitigation: Issues-New-Report-on-the-Value-of-Mitigation.htm USGS Wildland Fire Science: University consortium “Learning from Disasters” research on how communities, people and government can learn from disasters: US 2017 National Preparedness Report: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) EDGe$ (Economic Decision Guide Software) Tool to support decision making for cost- effective resilience projects: resources/software/edge-economic-decision-guide-software-tool
News Every $1 invested in mitigation saves $6: points/2018/01/11/every-$1-invested-in-disaster-mitigation-saves-$6 In New York, drawing flood maps is a “game of inches”: fema.html? How BC stacks up in an earthquake: earthquake-presentation-ask-b-c-stacks US must consider sea level rise in recovery: rise-when-rebuilding-from-storms/article/2648437
Events ICLR Webinar “Hail Climatology for Canada”, David Etkin, February 16, 2018, ATC Webinar Reducing the Risks of Non-Structural Earthquake Damage, March 7, 2018, Understanding Risk British Columbia 2018, Victoria, BC, April 16-17, 2018, 2018 Understanding Risk Forum, Mexico City, Mexico, May 2018, Canadian Water Resources Association 2018 Conference, May 28 – June 1, 2018,
Events 11th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation, Seville, Spain, June 6-9, 2018, 2018#Introduction-and-Topics Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, July 8-11, 2018, Broomfield, CO, ShakeOut 2018, October 18, 2018, CRHNet Symposium, October 31-November 2, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Conference, October 30- November 1, 2018, Vancouver, BC,
Feature Presentation Setting Up an Understanding Risk System to Serve Building a Resilient Future - Sahar Safaie (
Science and Technology for Understanding Risk (STUR) – Network Evolution How can this network best serve and connect practitioners in Canada? Proposed terms of reference: Who and what: An open network that brings together Canadian stakeholders in natural hazard risk reduction who seek to apply evidence based tools and methods to assess risk and explore mitigation strategies. STUR will seek to share best practices and case studies to support evidence-based risk assessment for resilience in Canada. How: Through facilitated monthly webinars, online resources, emails, and an annual session at an with lightening presentations by participants in network and a poster with names, affiliation and key projects. Where: Web portal that requires: ability to create and account/join; sharing of resources; calendar; newsletter generation to users; contact. Ideal additions would include ability to publish geospatial results, forum; podcasts of webinars.
Discussion What do you need to better support your work in risk assessment? What does an ideal network to support this work look like? Are there partnerships that we should explore? What resources would an ideal web portal provide?
Thank you! Next meeting March 21, 2018 Please be in touch with any ideas for speakers or the future of the network (