Éramos Pocos un cortometraje de Borja Cobeaga Español 2
Chisme del cortometraje País (country): España Duración (duration): 16 minutos Director: Borja Cobeaga In 2007, this short film was nominated for an Oscar in the short film category.
Protagonistas (Main characters): Joaquín (el padre) Fernando (el hijo) Lourdes (la abuela)
Recordatorios Basic Level Students: Work can be in both languages. Vocabulary words must be used in Spanish. Articles and pronouns must be in Spanish when used. (Use the Spanish that you already know) Proficient-Advance Level Students: All in Spanish. If there is a word that you do not know in Spanish, I encourage you to use it in English versus using google translate. (Challenge yourself)
You will complete 2 activities before watching the short film. Antes de ver el corto You will complete 2 activities before watching the short film.
Vocabulario: (you will get about 10-12 minutes) On a separate sheet of paper, create a table like the one below and provide the following for each given word: Spanish word + English translation Synonym (go to http://www.synonym.com/) or (http://www.wordreference.com/sinonimos/ ) A sentence using the word in Spanish 1. Asilo de ancianos (Nursing Home) 2.Desorden (A mess) 3. Suegra (mother-in-law) 4. Trastero (Storage Room) 5. Largar (to take off) 6.Álbum de fotos (photo albums)
Preguntas (Be ready to share with the class) Using complete sentences, answer the following questions. (Do not copy the questions) Do you think that nowadays, men help more with the house chores than before? Why or why not? Explain. In your opinion, do you think that stay home moms have it more difficult than working moms? Why? Explain. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living at a nursing home. Name at least 2 for each. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with family as an elderly person? Name at least 2 for each.
Ver el corto: (Repaso) Where does this film take place? Who are the main characters? What is the name of the film?
You will complete 3 short activities after watching the film. Después de ver el corto You will complete 3 short activities after watching the film.
Activity #1: Comprensión With a partner, discuss and answer the following questions about the film using complete sentences. (Do not copy the question) Where is Julia? Why does Joaquín and Fernando pick up the grandma from the nursing home? What does Joaquín find out after speaking to his wife? Why does Joaquín check the photo album?
Activity #2: Preguntas de Ampliación Individually, answer the following questions using complete sentences. (A minimum of 2 sentences each) Why do you think that Joaquín and Fernando are incapable of living without a woman? Explain. Why do you think that Joaquín did not mention that the woman is not the mother-in-law? Explain. Do you think that running away from a problem is the correct way to solve it? Why or why not? Explain. How would you change the ending? Why? Explain.
Activity #3: Cartas Pick one of the following topics and write a letter describing what you would do in that situation. The letter should be in complete sentences and with a minimum of 8 sentences. Make sure that you begin the letter with “Querido/a _(address it to someone)_” and you end the letter with “Sinceramente, _(your name)_”.
Letter topics: Pick ONE of the following and write a letter Topic #1: You are the old lady that is pretending to be Lourdes and you decide to write a letter to your real family explaining why you left the nursing home to be with another family. Topic #2: You are an elderly man/woman that just arrived to a nursing home. Write a letter to your family describing what you miss from living at home and what you like from the nursing home.