Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! A Creative Adventure 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
Who runs Odyssey of the Mind? Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! Who runs Odyssey of the Mind? Creativity Unlimited is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization, that provides the Odyssey of the Mind program. All volunteer driven! 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
What is Odyssey of the Mind? Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! What is Odyssey of the Mind? An international, creative problem-solving program for students in kindergarten through college Founded in 1978 by Dr. Sam Micklus, Professor Emeritus, Glassboro State College, New Jersey Today, hundreds of thousands of students in all fifty states and over thirty countries participate in the annual programs. 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! What is Odyssey of the Mind? 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
What is needed to compete in OM? Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! What is needed to compete in OM? Find coaches (2 per team preferred) Become a member Form teams (maximum of 7 members) Choose a problem Work on problem solutions Go to competition! 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
How are the divisions configured? Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! How are the divisions configured? Primary – students in grades K -2 Division I – students in grades K - 5 Division II – students in grades 6 - 8 Division III – students in grades 9 - 12 Division IV - Collegiate 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
What do teams do in competition? Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! What do teams do in competition? Teams are judged in three areas: Long-Term Problem-solution Spontaneous Problem-solving Style 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
Three Components of Odyssey 9/15/2018
Types of Long-Term Problems Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! Types of Long-Term Problems Vehicular Technical Classical Structural Theatrical Primary (non-competitive) 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! Style Costumes, props, music, art, and other creative performance elements “market” the solution. Long-term is the “HOW” - Style is the “WOW”. 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! Spontaneous Day of Tournament Limited solution time Each team is given the same problem. 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
Spontaneous: Verbal/Hand-On (example) You have 1 minute to think and 5 minutes to respond. You can ask the judges questions; however, time will continue. You cannot talk to each other at any time. Each of you has a pipe cleaner and a poker chip. Your problem is to create something out of them and comment on it. You will receive 1 point for each common response and 5 points for each creative response. Speak loudly and clearly. Once time begins, it will not be stopped, even if the judge asks you to repeat a response, or to clarify it, or to give a more appropriate response. 9/15/2018
Spontaneous: Verbal/Hand-On You cannot skip your turn, give the same response as someone else, or pass. If one member is stuck, the team is stuck. Each of you has 7 response cards. You will take turns in order. After you show each new creation and give a response, you will place on of your cards in the container. The next team member will then show their creation, respond, place a card in the container, and so on. You will be finished when response time ends or when you have used all of your cards. Each of you has a pipe cleaner and a poker chip. Your problem is to create something out of them and comment on it. 9/15/2018
Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! Unique Features Cost Limits Outside Assistance prohibited Coaches facilitate but may not solve 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! Unique Features Encourages team-work Values diverse talents 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! Time Commitment Practices are 1 day a week after school for 1.5 to 2 hours Program begins in Oct/Nov and runs through the end of March Some extra practices for sets and props design may be established by individual teams If a team decides to go to World Finals practices continue through the end of May 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! What does it cost? Odyssey of the Mind is very affordable! Each school’s membership fee of $135.00 will be paid by the district. (5 problems = 5 teams of 7 members) State tournament fee for each team - $25 Cost of problem-solution materials (most materials are reusable items that come from home) Participation fee determined by each individual school 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/
What are my responsibilities as a student team member? Create solutions Sign team contract Build props and sets Attend weekly practice Bring in materials Come prepared Attend the state competition on Be respectful March 12, 2016 at Brainstorm ideas Friendly Hills MS 9/15/2018
What are my responsibilities as a parent? Make sure your child attends practices Allow time to work on things at home Keep yourself from offering ideas, suggestions, or hands-on assistance Get your child to the state tournament on time – March 12, 2016 held at Friendly Hills Middle School 9/15/2018
What are my responsibilities as a coach? Help facilitate decisions but allow kids to make all decisions. Arrive on time to meet your team in your practice space Ask guiding questions. Communicate with parents and your school contact Make sure all kids are picked up at end of practice Refrain from offering ideas to the solution. Help your team fill out forms for competition Teach kids fair decision making strategies 9/15/2018
Coaches Training There will be a coaches training on Saturday, November 7th from 3-7 p.m. at Wentworth Library in West St. Paul 9/15/2018
Odyssey of the Mind: It's All About Creativity . . .and More! Need More Information? National Website: www.odysseyofthemind.com Minnesota Website: www.mn.odysseyofthemind.org District OM Coordinator: Sheryl Kasella sheryl.kasella@isd197.org 9/15/2018 Minnesota Odyssey of the Mind http://mn.odysseyofthemind.org/