Example Standard Work Sheets Paper Drinking Cup Origami Cup
Detailed Description of these steps 1. 2. You need a square piece of paper to make a cup. 1 – Start with an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. Place paper on the table. If the paper is printed on one side, place the printed side down. 2 – Bring the bottom right corner up to the left side of the paper and make a crease. 3 – Cut or tear the extra top part of the paper off using scissors, a table edge, a ruler or fold it down making a good crease and then tear it off. 3. Safety and Quality Key Points: Make sure it is even on the left side of the paper or it will not be a square. If using scissors be careful not to cut yourself by mistake. Why these steps are important: It will be hard to make the cup if you don’t have a near perfect square.
Detailed Description of these steps 4. 4 – Start with a square piece of paper that is white on one side and colored on the other side. 5 – Place paper on table with white side up. Fold in half, as shown 5. Safety and Quality Key Points: Safety – Stretch fingers Safety - Be careful and avoid paper cuts. Quality – Paper can not have any holes in it. Why these steps are important: The paper is different colors on each side so it is easier to follow the instructions. The cup will leak if there are holes in the paper.
Detailed Description of this step 6. Detailed Description of this step 6 – Fold the top corner down to the baseline. Crease well near the long edge and unfold. 7 – Fold the bottom left hand corner up to the crease line just made 7. Safety and Quality Key Points: Quality – Step 6 is just to mark the point on the long edge, so you don’t need to crease it the full length, just near the point. Why these steps are important: These steps form the base of the cup, if not done correctly the cup may not be shaped correctly when completed.
Detailed Description of this step 8. 8 – Now fold the bottom right hand corner up to the opposite side. 9 – Fold the front flap downwards. 9. Safety and Quality Key Points: Why this step is important: These steps form the base of the cup, if not done correctly the cup will leak.
Detailed Description of this step 10. Detailed Description of this step 10 – Now fold the back top flap backwards in the same manner. 11 – Open out. This is now the finished drinking cup. 11. Safety and Quality Key Points: Safety – Do not use cup with hot water. Why this step is important: If you do not open the cup up correctly it will not hold its shape and may tend to unfold. Also, you cannot put water in it, unless it’s opened.
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1 Safety & Quality Hints: Example. Safety & Quality Hints: Example. Safety & Quality Hints: Example. 1. PHOTO PHOTO 2. PHOTO 3. Caption Caption Caption 1.) 2.) 3.) Why this step is important: Example Why this step is important: Example Why this step is important: Example Task scale = 1 Min/mark 5 min Title slide with a task description that captures these steps Job scale = 2 min/mark 5 Job Time = 1hr 45min