How to become skating coach Luka’s Career Path How to become skating coach
HOW TO FILL OUT THIS PPT TEMPLATE… Replace all blue text with your answers in a full sentence. For example: “Where is this job done?” Gets replaced with -> To do this job, I would work in an office every day. Delete the prompts Leave the slide titles as they are (other than the blue parts you need to replace) Delete this slide once you know what to do
My Career Goals I want to becomeSkating Coach by 2022 or 2025. To get there, I will need to: Graduate high school by at the University, find an activity or course in my school that helps me with my career
What is a/an (insert your career here)? I want find job is skating coach because I like this sport so I want find this job. sometime at my job I always do 1. teach player how to help oneself 2. teach my player how to Sliding faster. 3. technical guidance
About my future career Where is this job done? This job I need at school or stadium What is the salary range in BC for this job? What are the usual hours for this job? –> How many hours per week? What are the start and end times within a day?
My job has a _4.2__% chance of becoming automated 1/408234543/will-your-job-be-done-by-a- machine There will be changes, it should be a lot of people now began to like to exercise(insert a fun robot/machine picture here)
My compatibility I am _4.2_% compatible with this job. The skills this job requires are: 1.first you can skating 2 you need like skating 3you can help some people
Job Outlook In BC, the job outlook is # of 3 stars. Here are 2 reasons why:
Potential obstacles to getting this career The possible obstacles: sometime have people think you cant’s teach they staking My plan to overcome them:I will use my facts to prove my strength
The training/education required for my career is: 1, have some people Fear of ice 2, I can teach you Enhance the physical 3, Practice of technique and action 4, I'll make you like this sport
I intend to go to UBC for that career Where it is located Vancouver BC Canada Program(s) you would take there at UBC Length of program I need 4 years champion Certification earned At my hometown I have 3 Skating champion title Skating if it is a program that requires some base certification then additional specialization This occupation is a license that needs to be issued by the sports bureau before you can take the job
(put 2 pictures of the post-secondary institution/ training program: their logo and main “campus”/what it looks like when you go there)
High school courses required Grade 11 courses: Canadian Study EAL math planning Grade 12 courses: PE Social EAL information
Additional admission requirements The main reason you chose this institution for your training/education
Financial Plan Total cost of program(s) -> ex: if it costs $5000/year and your program is 4 years long, the total cost is $5000 x 4 = $20000 I am going to pay for my program: I need pay student loans,¥ 15000/years Maybe I can at my university I can find a job Make money
Skating‘s are awesome!!! Explain 3 things that really excite you about this career OR List 3 fun facts about this career At game I can have a new friend At training time we can play the game At training time you can see Children skating is very funny
REMINDERS!!! Choose your design for this PowerPoint Choose your font and colours, but make sure they are easy to read Ensure you have filled in ALL the information, and included pictures where necessary Check your spelling and grammar Delete this slide when finished (You will be embedding this project into your edublog) Category: Planning 10 Tag: ChapellCareerPath